pejam celik pejam celik, hari ni dh hari terakhir bln feb 2023
..anyway, pada 20/2/23 yg lps, MZ telah membuat blood test/screening, as usual, focus utama ialah LDL kolesterol..
last check-up was on 30/9/2022 (buat kat klinik UIA)
actually, MZ kena buat blood test ni every 6 month (umur pun dh nak masuk 47 tahun bln april nanti)
tp sbb ari tu kan MZ folo diet clean eating/plant based, so excited dan curious jugak nak tgk hasilnya (wpun the next due date for check up is 30/3)
inilah resultnya..MZ buat screening ni kat Dunia Lab (batu caves) kosnya RM70, result dpt within the same day, MZ buat test tu dlm 9.15 am, pukul 4.30 pm dh dpt result (just download online report).
alhamdulillah sgt2, my LDL dah turun (dan agak byk turun bacaannya sbb last check up, my LDL was 4.76) so now current rate is 4.03 (normal LDL should be below 4, so MZ kena usaha sikit jer lagi utk achieve normal rate)
overall total cholesterol now is 5.67 (kena target below 5.2)
compared dgn bacaan pd 30/9/2022, ni buat check up kat klinik LDL was 4.76
total cholesterol was 6.46 (target normal is below 5.2)
wpun MZ is no longer in the diet program, tp MZ masih mkn consciously, ie memang mkn portion green vege dgn byk, selected fruits, dan minimise sugar intake dan trying hard to avoid white rice/white bread (so far masih konsistent)
nama diet program yg MZ join tu Aafiya Life
health is wealth!
moga2 bln puasa nanti, lagi senang nak jaga mkn dan cut excess weight ni (so that baju raya boleh pakai size yg di idamkan)
have a nice day everyone