Thursday, 30 September 2021

Wake me up when september ends

ari ni dh last day of september...esok dh 1st oct, dan bermula fasa 3 utk klang valley alhamdulillah :)
looking fwd to this weekend :)

i love this quote..kebetulan rhymingso sedap jer dibaca...dan maknanya pun deep...
semoga apa jua kesedihan diganti dgn kegembiraan...aamiin

ni gmbr bunga kat my mini garden, tp ni gmbr lama....sekrg bunga2 ni dh tinggal daun jer, lom berbunga lagi utk second round...

have a nice day everyone

Monday, 27 September 2021

Melakar memori di kanvas kehidupan

...because the moment we spent together is the moment we treasure....

...for future memories and remembrance...

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Mencetak gambar kenangan dari instagram | pica pica

last weekend masa ronda2 naik LRT dan singgah jap kat KLCC, ternampak booth pica pica ni...biasanya kami print2 kat booth gini kat melawati mall

harga RM5 utk 2 keping...print direct dari akaun instagram

dh selamat letak kat fridge...dh hampir penuh! magnetic board on the wall kat ruang tamu memang penuh dengan fridge magnet, so gmbr2 semua letak kat fridge jer

close-up gmbr yg baru print kat pica pica tu

have a nice weekend

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


time flies, hari ni dh 22 sept, tinggal 3 bulan lebih lagi jer nak abih tahun ni...moga keadaan akan jd lebih baik lps ni..aamiin

ari ahad lps, MZ singgah habib sbb nak tambah loop kat bangle stella tu (3layer design in 3 colour tu)..
then terus beli ring yg same design dgn bangle cukup set bangle dan ring tu..alhamdulillah wishlist accomplished

ni gambar fresh from the oven, snap jer handfie ni utk tepek kat blog posting ni....

now MZ dh ada dua set yg matching ie matchy2...set ribbon dan set stella ring..set ribbon tu brand tomei, set stella bangle brand habib jewel

ni gambar masa ari ahad, otw balik rumah lps setel urusan kat habib jewel alpha angle--MZ suka botol mineral water habib tu

salam hari rabu
MZ jd trainer utk torts course kat petronas hari ni, my session at 11 am jap lg
stay safe
taka care

Monday, 20 September 2021

It's about spending some lovely moment together

setelah lama tak kuar bersama2..alhamdulillah, dpt juga my lil family spend time sama2...we really appreciate our moments together, moga2 sentiasa jd kenangan manis utk dikenang2 selagi ada hayat di dunia nan fana

ni pose wajib dlm kereta bila weolls kuar bersama2....we were all dressed in blue-themed ootd..ingat nak posing2 satu family...

selfie with natural light..bkn selalu dpt kuar ronda2...

actually nak OOTD outdoor, tp tak de rezeki sbb masa sampai kat taman, hujan la weolls mkn2 dlm keta jer...asalnya nak picnic kat taman tp MZ lupa bawak tikar haishhh

hand-fie ni acara wajib ler kalau kuar, lg pun sbb mr hubby yg drive so senang ler MZ nak selfie & handfie

salam hari isnin
have a nice day
stay safe

Friday, 17 September 2021

Something worth reading!

My respected Rector ada tulis his opinion..
so I want to re-share here....

THE next phase of vaccination involving children is a tricky one.

If a British Medical Journal (Aug 16) editorial, titled "Profiteering from vaccine inequity: A crime against humanity?", is to be believed, it is time to pause and think about the next course of action.

The article says that some pandemic strategies are "hanging by a thread, at the whim of big pharma and popularity politics in the West", in reference to what is going on in east Asia.

Adding to this is the question of moral scandal, which is tantamount to a crime against humanity when we are complicit by our silence, it said.

Although this is more directed to the issue of vaccine inequity globally, the vaccination of children and adolescents of a certain age group can also be viewed in the same light, and more so because they are children or adolescents.

And this group, often regarded by many as young adults, is then subjected to the same rules applicable to the adult world.

At the end of the day, they suffer the same consequences, namely due to commercial greed and political self-interest.

So much so that British charity Oxfam has accused the G20 group of rich nations of putting relations with pharmaceutical companies ahead of ending the Covid-19 pandemic.

Against this backdrop, we begin to appreciate why a judicial review application was filed at the Penang High Court on behalf of 18 children by a Penang legal team in view of the vaccination programme for those aged 12 to 17.

The leave and stay application was filed on Aug 30 with a certificate of urgency.

The court has fixed Oct 4 for the attorney-general to file his written submissions, and Oct 15 for the hearing online.

The proposed approach in the judicial review application is outlined as follows:

It is by law a choice whether someone wants to be vaccinated or otherwise. The vaccines are given conditional registration in Malaysia.

And one of the eligibility conditions is "existing products have not been successful in eradicating the disease or preventing outbreaks".

In rolling out the vaccination programme for 12 to 17 year olds, informed consent should be obtained from parents.

Getting informed consent from patients is a requirement for medical practitioners under the Malaysian Medical Council guidelines.

Those vaccinated were asked to sign a consent form, although whether they read and understood it is debatable.

They may have had access to a consumer medication information leaflet.

Whether written information is suitable for 12 to 17 year olds is relevant to ask.

We should also ask if parents or guardians, who will be signing on their children's behalf, can explain it adequately to the children.

Ultimately, who decides?

The Health Ministry's Clinical Guidelines on Vaccination For Adolescents (12 to 17 years) in Malaysia (July 2021) states: information regarding the vaccine's efficacy, safety and possible adverse reactions should be clearly explained to the adolescents and to their parents or caregivers prior to the vaccination.

Parents or caregivers will be required to sign the informed consent form on behalf of the adolescents.

The leaflet also tells those vaccinated (children or adolescents) about how to report any side-effects and adverse effects.

Are the children capable of doing this as it is well established from studies that even adults are not living up to expecta-tions?

On the issue of deaths, allegedly, the authorities require the family of anyone who dies after taking the vaccine to leave the body with the hospital for 14 days if they want a post-mortem.

Most, if not all, refuse, thus leaving deaths in adults or children related to vaccines not being investigated.

The World Health Organisation said: "More evidence is needed on the use of Covid-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against Covid-19."

Meaning, without meaningful data and evidence, children's health should not be experimented on.

To this end, it is claimed that a number of affidavits from medical experts around the world has been obtained, covering all the issues.

The judicial review application seems to be of interest to many who are looking forward to it as part of children's rights.

The writer, an NST columnist for more than 20 years, is International Islamic University Malaysia rector

Allahul musta'an

Vaccination remains voluntary

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Ada orang request nak naik LRT

his happiness is my happiness!!

razeen memang minat naik LRT..lgpun dh lama terkurung dlm rumah kan..biasanya dia layan youtube tgk psl LRT

aktiviti dlm LRT--selain menikmati pemandangan sekeliling

lupa nak pakai cincin la bila JOTD (jewellery of the day), rasa kosong incomplete hehehheh

sempatlah singgah ronda2 dlm kedai toys..razeen cari toys train/aeroplane tp tak jumpa alahai

posing2 dgn background summer theme landscape

fuhh lama sungguh tak posing2 OOTD..baju ni design punjabi suit trendy (mcm jubah jugak sbb labuh kat belakang) tp selesa sbb material ringan nipis dan long pants tu mudah nak bergerak

ni OOTD sblm keluar

have a nice day everyone!
ari ni MZ ada dry-run petronas training pukul 3 pm, Allahumma yassir..aamiin