Monday 2 March 2020

It's March | Moments of happiness

today is 2nd day of March 2020, time really flies...dh masuk bln rajab pun, dh dekat dh nak masuk ramadhan..less than 2 months from now

semlm, our country dh dpt new prime minister..PM ke 8 ie Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin..moga yg baik2 ajer utk Malaysia insya Allah

anyway, last few weeks, weolls temankan my zharfan pegi beli kasut idamannya kat JD sport kat pavillion outlet..
zharfan suka brand this is his choice..antara yg latest design ni..

harga kasut ni RM580, minus JD gift card RM300 (menang contest darlie), so kena top up cash RM280 (Mr hubby sponsor byr lah top upnya)

masa awal2 tahun ari tu, MZ got new sketchers, then zharfan pun nak beli his new shoes..beria2 weolls beli kasut sbb nak bwk gi travel to seoul, tp trip dh cancel sbb covid-19, so pakai jer our shoes bila kuar outing etc....MZ siap pakai sketchers (kaler pepel) tu pegi keje ok..i love the design and paling penting comfy!

salam hari isnin
happy working and have a nice day everyone!