Tuesday 28 January 2020

Blood screening | I have 6 months...

last week MZ dh buat annual medical check-up and blood screening/test...blood sugar, hemoglobin etc semua normal, BUT as expected, my cholesterol level ie LDL dh exceed normal rate...:(

previous screening (end of 2018), the reading was at the border ie 3.9, now dh jd 4.2..
doctor bg MZ 6 months to change my diet...kena jaga makan laaa betul2 this time...kebetulan lately MZ mcm kerap gak mkn seafood (udg & sotong)..rasanya tu antara penyebab utama jd naik bacaan LDL tu
so doc advised : tak leh mkn red meat, sea food, fried food..
yg lain2 ie ayam ikan vege and fruits semua boleh mkn, cara masakan either steam or grilled jer..

actually kat msia ni terlalu byk mknn dan masakan bergoreng (bihun goreng, ayam goreng, cries, ikan goreng mcm2 menu masakan, pisang goreng, kepok lekor goreng, sayur campur goreng, roti telur, etc etc etc..a longggg list!!)...so it's a real challenge lah to avoid these fried food/oily ones..apatah lg MZ sgt suka mkn bihun goreng dan kepok lekor..so nak kena avoid or at least kurangkan gradually

MZ dh start try mkn oats, then amik gak olive oil..and ada my colleague bg petua suruh mkn raw garlic..
semuanya MZ tgh try and will do my best..
sbbnya..bln june nanti nak kena buat blood screening sekali lagi, nak tgk turun ker tak my LDL rate tu..
if not...kena amik pil cholesterol laaa...which i don't want if i got choice :(

Allahumma yassir lii...aamiin

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