Friday 6 December 2019

Fun time @Skytropolis, Genting Highlands

we spent the whole morning (until late afternoon here) masa weolls pegi cuti2 Genting Highlands ari tu

so nak tepek pics..random jer ni

ni salah satu family ride-on-naik train

actually tix sponsored by chipsmore cuma for 4 kena top up beli satu lg tix..weolls beli kat kiosk..harga RM70...kalau beli online in advance, harga RM60 jer

 zharfan yg candid ni

 family pose

razeen naik merry go round ni 2x..heheh

my 4 heroes

papa, zharfan & ariff naik bumper car (2 round gaklah)

ni mknn yg MZ mkn masa breakfast (part of the room package-kena redeem kat food court-certified halal by jakim)

 tulah tempat kami breakfast ie Jom Makan street food

byk deco2 tema krismas

tu jerlah pics sepanjang cuti2 GH..nanti next entry nak kena tepek pics masa cuti2 CH plak (cameron highlands)


  1. alhamdulillah. semua ceria2 belaka. mestilah best kan ^_^

  2. teringin nak pergi... belum berkesempatan nak sampai sana
