Sunday 2 June 2019

Pinggan raya

MZ memang sgt suka brand Corelle...kat umah MZ memang guna set corelle design country rose..

then last week...menang contest quaker oats...dpt set design country cottage (16 pcs)..sbb kebetulan dh nak raya..kira pinggan raya lah yek...

alang2 citer psl corelle...last few weeks, masa MZ ronda2 aeon WM..ternampak promo corelle loose set...sbb design contry rose ie exactly set yg MZ guna kat umah beria2lah MZ check harga...
errrrr mahal sungguh yer kalau beli loose piece ni...

pinggan oval size and bowl ni MZ ada one piece each kat umah

ni promo kat aeon...

size yg ni, MZ ada 2 pcs jer kat kena beli lg 3 pcs..RM79x3..errrr mcm hampir pengsan plak bila calculate rege pinggan ni hahahha

yg size ni MZ ada 4 pcs..err i need to buy one more to make it five

kat umah MZ sbb memang guna set yg 16 ada 4 or 2 pcs each of the above pic...
menengokkan rege loose piece ni...rasa mcm overpriced eh?? memang tak mampu ler nak tambah set hahahah...sbb my lil family kan 5 pax..patut kena tambah 1 piece for each type of pinggan tu...


  1. Saya pun ader tengok kat AEON, setau saya harga tu untuk set 2, 3 atau 4 pcs of plates/bowls, eg. RM99.00 utk 3 pcs. Saya tanyer dgn promoter jugak sbb advertised PWP (Purcahse with purchase). Katanyer sekarang dh boleh beli terus tanpa perlu beli barang lain.

  2. harga utk set of 2 or 3 pcs yer..then ok lah regenya...thanks for the info ;)
