Tuesday 30 April 2019

Birthday vacation & birthday dinner

For future memories...sempena besday, pegi cuti2 avani gold coast sepang..so wajiblah posing2 klik2 snap2 pic bersama yg tersayang..

moga sentiasa menjadi kenangan manis utk MZ and my lil family...

guna tripod and time ni..gigih usung DSLR and tripod

my 3 lil heroes

one happy mommy with her boys

ariff yg jd photoG ni..so ada pic gelap,m ada yg cerah, sbb lighting tak berapa ok ngadap cahaya

merasmikan tudung baru gak..beli online (fb) jer (brand Mas Shawl)

merasmikan handbag cath kidstone jugak tuuu (beli via personal shopper kat UK)

ni lps check-in, then kuar utk dinner

port wajib posing2

this is where we had my birthday dinner...buffet for adult RM65, kids RM30

mintak tlg staff cafe tu yg tlg snaplan pic ber5 ni

kami mkn bwh pokok okayyyy fresh air..tepi pantai..konon2 tunggu sunset gitu

ada daun2 tu sbg backgroung..nature sgtttttt

MZ cheat day (2 hari) sbb besday...jenuh nak cut down balik the gained weight :p

Alhamdulillah for all the blessings

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