kesibukan terlampau sampai tak sempat nak jenguk blog..
so nak tepek pic razeen time dia pakai kemeja..jrg2 pakaikan dia kemeja pun
punca kesibukan of course sbb preparation utk fly to sydney
pg td sempat lg buat last minute shopping--pegi beli boxer for mtr hubby at kat aeon, suar tidur utk razeen dan myself some personal stuff
packing almost done..tinggal nak masukkan few things jer lagi dlm beg..
total ada 2 beg besar dan 2 beg kecik as luggage yg kena check-in
selain backpacks yg kecik2 as handcarry
satu lg faktor kesibukan ialah sbb MZ tgh tulis one paper utk present kat indon (my colleague will attend a conference dan he will be the co-author dan akan present on my behalf) so MZ kena siapkan paper tu sblm stress level tahap me headache and sleepless nights :(
so ni bukak lappy and update blog dulu sblm sambung tulis paper..ari ni MZ dh amik cuti pun sbb my mom dh sampai KL just adik yg pegi fetch my mom kat airport
happy holidays everyone!
happy holiday MZ :D