Monday, 15 January 2018

One of his favourites | Wimpy Kid

zharfan sgt suka baca buku diary of a wimpy kid...last two weeks sempat beli the latest series for him..latest tajuk 'the getaway'...hardcover kaler biru...beli kat Popular Wangsa Walk..ada special price (RM39), normal price RM51

MZ pun suka baca buku ni..simple english tp bila kids baca memang will help them to improve their english proficiency sambil enjoy the content of the book..time ada masa, MZ suruh ariff baca gak sambil MZ explain maksud cerita/certain words

wimpy kid ni unik sbb selain dari jln citer yg ringan, santai dan lucu (dlm bentuk diary), ada kartun2/lukisan2 berkenaan cerita yg ditulis

so far zharfan dh ada few books as part of his collection from wimpy kids series..
teringat MZ time zmn sek rendah/awal menengah, suka baca buku penyiasatan by Enid Blyton.

so kalerful!! ni pic MZ snap kat Popular Wangsa Walk

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