Monday, 12 August 2013

All the way from IRELAND

my niece yg study kat Ireland balik cuti summer...and she bought souvenir for all family members!!!

nilah yg MZ dpt...
 handbag kalerful - Clarks

pen Ireland, keychain, FM ireland and FM Rome -- my niece pegi europe tour sblm balik tak sempat pegi europe tour masa me study kat Notts tu :p

happy mode ;)--me sgt sukaaa dua ketul FM tu!!!

tq my dear niece ( nama manja-->>Yaya ;)) soon will become Dr Aisya Amira :)


  1. cantekk!! cousins zt yg bljr medic pon mostly kt ireland ;)

  2. eh x prasan pulok cik ngah update psl ni. sbnrnye yaya bli FM venice. due sbnr. stu xtahu pah mano. stu lg tcabur magnet kt blkg die. jd bg yg rome. hehe. :))
