Monday, 1 July 2013

BIG WINNING | 2nd prize Unilever The Speed Shopping Challenge

event/cabaran ni berlangsung ari jumaat lps...

12 teams from compers (mostly hardcore) telah terpilih/shortlisted utk bertarung merebut top 6...
event bermula 7.30 am - 11 am kat Giant KD...
MZ team dgn my sil yg sporting and byk membantu masa final challenge

masa preliminary challenge, MZ hampir2 tak layak utk masuk top 6 sbb awal2 tu semua physical challenge...1st challenge yg paling cepat tiup belon sampai pecah, 2nd challenge, makan ice cream 3 kon paling cepat, 3rd challenge, jwb soalan/kuiz, 4th challenge basuh saputgn guna breeze, 5th challenge, memory game and 6th challenge, lukis sambil tutup mata.

MZ berjaya masa 5th challenge..syukur alhamdulillah

pic tak mengikut sequence...most pics adalah dari kamera/hp edy & yus

 3 top winners ...1st prize winner dpt tv LED 46 inci (edy & eqbal), me 2nd prize winner tv LED 42 inci, 3rd prize winner (yus & hubby) dpt tv LED 40 inci. kami semua dpt the whole trolley of unilever items (worth RM270+) and dpt voucher giant yg agak byk ;)

bergambar bersama kwn2 compers...yg bertongkat tu dtg bagi moral support...dia menang nissan grand livina dpt contest dugro thn lps


ni 2nd challenge ie mkn ice cream--me tak suka ice cream so memang kalah awal2

ni edy and eqbal, 1st team yg layak top 6 and finally juara the speed kalah RM4 ajer beza jumlah pembelian kami dlm trolley heheheh

final challenge adalah sgt mencabar sbb kami kena shop mengikut list dlm masa 5 minit..memang lari mcm masuk marathon...kena shop RM300 and me dpt no 2 sbb shop total RM274, edy shop RM278...tak leh kira guna apa2 calculator so memang kena congak dlm otak ajer time amik2 brg2 tu...

event yg sgt besh, teratur, on time, staff2 unilever yg sgt efficient...time refreshment, siap serve lg mknn--sandwich, nugget, donut etc etc

antara kenangan comping yg memorable...and syukur sgt2 sbb MZ menang TV LED...antara TV paling besar ni..sbb last two years MZ menang TV 40 inci ajer dari contest Listerine..
harga TV yg MZ menang LED 42 inci ni..RM2199


  1. bestnyerr kak suzi dapat peluang msk dalam challange mcm ni kan??

  2. best suzz and congrats!!! Familiar sungguh muka comper tu......hehehe

  3. Tahniah Suzi!! untung u, makin lama TV makin besar

  4. SIL you tu dah jadi semi pro comper ke? Banyak ong aaaaa itu orang.....lain kali bole ajak lagi, hehe.

  5. tahniah mz.. sentiasa murah rezeki.. semua comper hebat2.. hehehe..
