in fact, Notts is nicknamed as the country of Robin Hood
anyway, masa pegi Notts Castle the other day, my Zharfan sempat posing as Lil Robin Hood--ni pic me snap masa kat souvenir shop dlm castle tu...
ni pic posing2 aksi bebas dgn Robin Hood statute :p abaikan aksi yg tak 'semenngah' tu :P
and Mr Hubby baru beli DVD citer ni--sbb ada offer, rasanya dlm 5 pound kot harga DVD ori ni--kat UK tak de dvd or cd pirate tau :p -uolls dh tgk ke citer ni? me kureng sikit genre filem gini--me suka romantic comedy of love story themed hehehe
ni sedikit info psl Robin Hood yg me amik dari wikipedia:
Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore. A highly skilled archer and swordsman, he is known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor,"[1] assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men."[2] Traditionally Robin Hood and his men are depicted wearing Lincoln green clothes.[3] The origin of the legend is claimed by some to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from ballads or tales of outlaws...
note : berkelana di country of Robin Hood ni--byk kenangan manis (yg pahit sikit2 jer--pahit time rindukan my mom kat Msia, and time tak cukup duit..tu jer ..) :)
wah..stylo la sis..bergaya2 btol tgk pic2 sis nie..rajin sis amik pic je kan2..hihi
mama duk kat mane sekarang nie???
klu tak ade duit memang kenangan paling pahit dalam money no talk...
awek robin hood lawa... hehe.. tengok robin hoodsuka tengok awek dia
erkk kita xminat sgt robin hood..cite dia pn skali je kot tgk masa kecik2..ekeke:D
huhuhu.. lya suka layan robin hood dulu..
waa.. zharfan nak jd mcm abg robin yer
kureng minat RH ... hehe...nice pics n journey ;)
best kan merantau tempat orang..dapat pengalaman menarik
4 hari cuti x dpt nak jln2 sini...
p/s; mmg sedih time x cukup duit..hehe..
eh lupa lak...comel la aksi berani MZ ni...
cantiklah gambar mz dengan replika batu tu. nampak klasik. suka tengok :)
Rindukan mereka yg tersayang di Malaysia yg paling perit....
Muka zharfan pulak....sebijikkkkk Suzz Jr.
muka ur son sejibik cam uols hehe
hehe. sys! best la robinhood! :P
dulu masa kecik-kecik suke jugak tgk citer robin hood nih.. suke bile die wat huruf kt bju org gune pedang die tuh.... hehee
suka gak cite2 mcm ni..mcm lord of the ring ke..pendek kata, semua movie boleh layan..hehe
tak sampai hati nak habiskan duit beli dvd ori kat malaysia ni...
Syoknya kak! posing ngn robin hood tu...hehe
memang best merantau kat tempat orang..dapat gi jejalan.
haah comei gilerr mz
wat aksi ala2 pemanah kebangsaan tu hehe
posing abes akak...
me dulu masa zaman remaja layan la citer robin hood kat tv..skrg ni dh kurang layan..hehee..
pndai sis tiru gaya patung tu...hebatt!
amboiiiii!! kalah zharfannnn!!
oo.. gambo kat sidebanner tu..
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