Comping/comper/competition/contest/giveaway...what's so fun about them???
Some people are contest junkies (that includes me i guess)... while others find them a waste of time, feeling they will never win.
Then there is the occasional player or blogger (that also includes me :p)who takes a chance with Lady lucky draw based contest or giveaway..
The truth is ..some contests do provide a reasonable chance at winning prizes or money, such as those based on skill or creativity, especially those at nationwide level... Even contests based solely on luck are winnable - that goes without saying!
so ada apa dgn contest?
winning contests would realize some of ur golden dreams, make ur dreams come true...
some of my comper frens have the chance of travel worlwide...all via contests, enjoying holiday abroad- FOC...all are possible via contests..
As for far sekali je menang holiday to Bali, tu pun me cancel last minute, convert to holiday to Langkawi...the rest are all hotel vouchers or vacation package in Msia...
the truth selalu cuti2 msia, tp FOC - all won contests...the best part, dpt stay kat hotel2 yg best like 5-star tu...
kalau me congak2 balik, since me join contests in year 2005 until now, me can say about 80% of my cuti2 msia is FOC -hasil menang contests...
the amusing part...bila menang contest, me siap pass2 some of the winnings to my family free vacation in Langkawi, me bwk my mom selalu jer bwk all my family ie my siblings pegi cuti2 FOC ni, seronok share fun sama2...kalau me tak sempat, me pass to them jer all the hotel in return, they all are very supportive when it comes to contests ni...sbb boleh share2 kalau me menang :p
and the most significant part of me being a contest enthusiast dpt few good friends, in fact dpt one best fren...just because we share the same passion(we share a lot in common other than contest stuff)'s a real blessing....sbb me tak ramai close frens...yg betul2 satu kepala...
the bottom line/message of this entry :
to motivate myself and my blogger frens yg berminat dgn contests to keep trying on winning big bigger biggest...:) contests ni salah satu punca rezeki jugak...esp for those coming from middle income class/earner like me...lain la kalau taraf millionaire, tak pyh susah payah terhegeh2 nak join contest kan :p