I'm joining the above contest by Mama Zara..check out the details of the contest HERE!
So here are my pics entry:
Location of vacation : Pulau Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman
Why it is my best vacation moment..
-->first time vacation with my beloved hubby (and kids of course) at Pulau Langkawi.
--> best and sweet moment coz I also asked and did bring along my Mom to join (...we lost my father June last year...so I was hoping to make my Mom happy by bringing her for a vacation...)
--> this is the best vacation becoz it is a FREE one!! I won this vacation package from Johnson&Johnson contest (package covers air fare-Air asia, hotel -holiday villa, + rented car)..
--> I simply love Langkawi (personally, my 3rd time being there, dulu2 masa bujang went once, then went again when my late father was alive...)so this is my 3rd time being here..and...lots of things to see and to shop at Langkawi!!
~Mama Zharfan~
hi..slm kenal yek..thanx join contest ni..=D..entry sume dh ok cume kalau boleh letakkan banner kat entry contest jugak yek..br rase lengkap gitu..hehhehe
nway,seronoknye menang hadiah pakej percutian...bkn senang nak dpt peluang mcm tu kan..=D
thanks mama zara sbb sudi review my entry...i dah letak pun banner contest tu (overlook+lupa actually)..
yup, memang seronok dpt bercuti free...rezeki anak2 ;)
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