dari Zermatt, kami naik bas utk pergi check-in hotel, nama Hotel Savoy.
cantik, selesa, cozy biliknya :) standard room je ni, tp overall ok, luas lah jugak esp utk stay berdua ajerkan :) location-wise, hotel ni terletak di Bern.
toilet pun nice jer
emm ni jerlah selfienya..masa bf kat Savoy Hotel ni
mr hubby tgh amik mknn apa tuuuu
This flower is a Calathea crocata, commonly known as the Eternal Flame plant. It's known for its striking, bright orange-yellow flowers that resemble flames, rising above its dark green, wavy foliage. The contrast between the flowers and the leaves makes it a popular ornamental plant, especially indoors.It’s originally from Brazil and thrives in warm, humid environments, which is why you often see it in hotel lobbies or indoor gardens. Pretty cool find at the Savoy!
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