edisi Diary Baby T bersiaran lagi hari ni..
our Baby T is Tesla model Y (standard range), which means saiznya agak besar (SUV) berbanding Tesla model 3 ie standard car (esp performance car).
utk model Y ni, ada camp mode ie
- Tesla's Camp Mode is a climate control option that puts your Tesla into a low-power state, allowing you to sleep or camp comfortably in the vehicle while maintaining airflow, temperature controls, and access to accessories.
- Camp Mode can be used for more than just camping. It allows occupants to enjoy features like music, streaming services, and interior lighting even when they're not inside the vehicle, making it useful for road trips and other outdoor activities.
- Camp Mode uses minimal battery life, with Tesla estimating that it consumes approximately 1% of battery per hour. However, it's advised to not let the battery get too low so that you have enough power to reach your next destination.
kiranya boleh activate mode tu kalau rasa nak tidur dlm Baby T lah (contohhh). dan memang bahagian boot sgt luas, muat utk baring 2 org..
kami dh try jugak lepak2 baring2 kat boot Baby T ni.. tp segan plak nak snap pic time baring2 tu..so ni wefie time kami lepak2 duduk2 ajerlah..
jom MZ jwb soalan2 uolls
jawapan utk uncle gedek : Baby T tak de pun bahagian motor so memang tak pyh nak service...yg kena buat as part of maintenance wajib ialah rotate tayar bila dh cecah 10k mileage nanti, dan kena tukar filter aircond kalau dh rasa kurang sejuk (kena beli sendiri filter tu kat shopee/online dan psg sendiri ikut tutorial youtube--nak antar kedai boleh jugak tp boleh buat sendiri sbb simple)TQ ezna for your sharing, anyway my baby T ni model Y dan bukan versi performance so tak sesuai nak bwk laju, tapi boleh jer bwk laju esp kalau kat highway...antara kelebihan utama baby T ialah takde gear so acceleration ie tukar speed tu sgt mantap pantas within few 2nd ajer ie sgt syok time memotong (make sure selamat utk memotong). tp the downside, kalau bwk laju2, bateri cepat abih hehehhe sama jer kot mcm konsep bwk laju2 keta petrol jugak kan, mkn byk minyak/cepat abih minyak. anyway memang ada Tesla model 3 versi performance, memang khas utk bwk laju2!!
tq amy for sharing info...oooo Suziey Ahmad pakai tesla yer...rasanya dia dh tak blogging kan sekrg sbb i try usha blog dia, last entry thn 2017...then i tgk her FB...scroll2 her pics, nampak ternampak sekeping gmbr wefie dlm her Tesla tu!!anyway, memang tayar Tesla harga around RM2k-RM2.5k sebijik, so 4 bijik tayar around RM10k kalau nak tukar semua one shot (fengsan jugak).
sekian Diary Baby T utk minggu ini. if nak tanya apa2, boleh jerrr, nanti MZ respond in next week's entry plak.!
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