sambungan kisah staycation kat Berjaya Times Square Hotel..
buffet breakfast is something that we always look fwd whenever we have our staycation
so bila stay kat Berjaya Times Square Hotel ni, memang MZ dh pilih siap2 pakej bilik yg comes with breakfast
our BF was at club lounge dan bukannya kat main cafe/restaurant (tp level yg sama, just jln ke depan sikit jer pun)
masa ni baru pukul 7 am lebih, so memang tak de lg any guest yg dtg mkn2, lgpun sbb mkn kat club lounge so sgt2 privacy lah, tak campur dgn other guests yg stay kat bilik2 lain (club lounge BF ni utk those yg stay kat Club Premier Suite and the like), actually dpt 4 bf, then razeen dia tak charge pun, FOC gitu..alhamdulillah (jimat duit MZ hahah)
nice theme colour ie grey (mcm tema kaler umah MZ)
MZ memang orange juice lover
ada satu lg entry psl staycation ni ie gmbr2 kat swimming pool
have a nice monday everyone!

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