sampai jer kat sana, ada staff hotel yg dtg jemput us from carpark with their buggy ie tlg angkat beg naik buggy wpun dekat jer parking lot tu dgn lobby...then that staff in-charge tlg uruskan checking-in process..tak pyh pegi reception ccounter pun..we were ushered to a waiting lounge..ada air mineral sejuk and face towel to welcome our arrival,, very exclusive and private service gitu...
anyway, while waiting...sempatlah kami gmbr diambil oleh our lil photoG ie our lil razeen! kami sgt impressed with the view, the deco, the hospitality
ni mr hubby click2 snap pics using his iphone11 kat area waiting lounge..
sofa kat lounge ni betul2 mengadap tasik/kolam ala2 deco Bali..Razeen sibuk tanya boleh ke dia nak baik boat tu hahhaha
lots of loveeeee
sengaja pakai sedondon merah/maroon (i think it looks nice in pic if wearing same colour)..oh yeah, the kendal skirt looks nice too even posing sambil duduk..with that layered design
setel jer proses check-in (kena swipe card as refundable deposit RM1400 wpun our 2 nites stay ni dh already paid by Loreal ie contest sponsor)..then weolls naik buggy terus menuju ke bilik 803...jauh gak dari reception..memang different building lah..sbb konsep resort ni mcm chalet jugak..but we really enjoyed our buggy ride sbb boleh round2 tgk kawasan sekitar resort sblm nak sampai to our room
so that's the sweet surprise from Four Seasons Resort ie ada rose petals as part of room deco!!love it!!!
Happy 16th wedding anniversary to both of us!!all the sweet delicacies..ada kek, fruit, choc, biscuits..and greeting card
choc cake yg sgt cute dan sedapppp...!!!
super duper comfy bed...mattress yg sgt tebal and pillows yg sgt byk (empukkkk)
our room is spacious! got 2 sinki kat tgh2 ruang between wardrobe and bathroom and sgt selesa sbb memang konsep dry toilet...yg wet part cuma shower room...bahagian wardrobe pun sgt besar..and ada sgt byk hangers..tak abih pun guna utk MZ gantung2 mcm2 bj yg MZ bawak
our room also has lots of mirrors..even two sides of dinding pun ialah sliding doors..yg mana boleh bukak curtain time siang hari
ada extra bed (complimentary) utk razeen..memang proper bed with spring mattress...bkn tilam semata2...nama pun luxurious concept..
MZ was enjoying herself while posing2 sebelum katil tu becomes messy hahahhah
ni right outside our room..ada jacuzzi outdoor!kiranya attached but outside the room...still within privacy area
this is where we stayed for 2 memorable nites..ground floor garden view pavillion
one whole building ni ada 4 rooms in total..2 upstairs and 2 downstairs (ours kat ground floor)
next entry--sunset on the beach...

Cantek la deko hotel ni... So calm!
nice info....
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