so dari chocolate factory, we requested our tour guide utk singgah kat tempat posing berlatarbelakangkan 3 sisters..just singgah sekejap utk bergambar jer..
masa MZ dtg sini thn 2013, sbb time winter, kabus tebal, so tak nampak langsung 3 sisters ni..
syukur tahun 2018 dpt menatap 3 sisters ni live with my own eyes....tu pun kejap jer..ngam2 siap snap few pics and selfies, then terus 3 sisters diselubungi kabus tebal..sbb cuaca memang sejuk kat kawasan pergunungan kan...
ni MZ copy paste from a blog..psl legend 3 sisters (kalau kat msia..ada legend puteri santubung puteri sejinjang...)
The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe.
These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe, yet tribal law forbade them to marry.
The brothers were not happy to accept this law and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.
As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger, a witchdoctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself to turn the three sisters into stone to protect them from any harm. While he had intended to reverse the spell when the battle was over, the witchdoctor himself was killed. As only he could reverse the spell to return the ladies to their former beauty, the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation as a reminder of this battle for generations to come.
jom MZ tepek pics..taken using samsung j7
nilah the famous 3 sisters...batu2 gunung yg berbentuk 3 objek berdiri gitu.. rasa kagum dgn kebesaran Ilahi sbb dpt tgk dgn jelas 3 sisters ni..
tu pun kabus2 dh mula dtg bergerak ke arah 3 sisters...
wajiblah berselfie :p pic unedited so of course tak floless :p
selfie berlatarbelakangkan 3 sisters..
ni suruh my niece yg snapkan..
bersebelahan 3 sisters observation spot, ada echo posing lagi lah
posing dgn fav pic ni...ada mailbox kaler merah tu..mcm kat notts...#menggamitmemori
just nak selit satu lg gmbr from our family group wasup..rasanya from hp my niece wanie..wpun hanyalah lagenda semata2, tp sayu jer rasa ..let's say betullah manusia disumpah jd batu, mesti sedey sbb tak dpt nak bertukar balik jd manusia...kiranya akan jd batu sampai hari kiamat gitu...#touching
from here...our next destination...kami nak pergi solat jamak kat one famous mosque..

cantik dan kagum kebesaran Allah...subhanallah..btw MZ kuruslaš
Kalau sumpah jadi batu ni teringat cerita Si Tanggang tu....
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