my kids request nak tgk monster ok jer...light movie...utk santai2 and happy2 gitu...byk mesej kekeluargaan and psl cintakn haiwan dan alam sekitar
me beli tix guna maybank credit tix harga murah/promo..RM10 adult, RM9 for kids...razeen tak beli tix sbb baby/tak nak seat total tix RM28 jer..then dpt free popcorn and soft drink. berbaloi2!
ni sinopsis yg me google
Looking for any way to get away from the life and town he was born into, Tripp (Lucas Till), a high school senior, builds a monster truck from bits and pieces of scrapped cars. After an accident at a nearby oil-drilling site displaces a strange and subterranean creature with a taste and a talent for speed, Tripp may have just found the key to getting out of town with a most unlikely friend.
me bagi 3.5 dari 5 bintang!

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