actually passport MZ akan expire next year May, tp sbb nak travel to Tokyo in December, so kenalah renew sblm December...
ni passport yg baru
ni passport yg lama...
wpun MZ bkn frequent suka jer tgk where I have been to in 5 yrs back...
ni visa umrah...adik MZ sbg mahram...pegi ke Tanah Suci Makkah dan Madinah yg dirindui pada bulan May 2012
17 April -19 April 2016 ie tahun ni..pegi Pattani, Thailand sbb present paper kat conference
Dec 2015 tu holiday to Seoul...windu nak repeat cuti2 Korea lagi kalau ada rezeki..sbb byk lg tempat lom sempat cover hahahha
Proof that MZ & family was at Seoul, Korea from 11th - 14th Dec 2015
@Sydney...June 2013...memang sgt suka OZ..moga2 ada rezeki lagi nak gi other parts of OZ like Meoulbourne, Perth, Gold Coast etc
ni plak pegi Singapore..thn 2012 dan 2013...
thn ni pun dh pegi Spore last cop imigresennya dlm passport baru lah :)

semoga dipermudahkan urusan MZ 2015 plg byk skli sy travel..skli 3tempat...hahahhaa
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