awas entries ini mengandungi sgt byk pics -- utk tatapan tuan punya blog di masa hadapan
rasanya ramai kot pompuan/kaum hawa yg mengimpikan utk pegi Disneyland as their childhood dreams..MZ is one of dream came true in 2011 when I visited Disneyland Paris...and now 2nd disneyland lah kiranya lps paris ie tokyo..and excitement masih sama jugak..wpun this time tak leh share my excitement with hubby and kids..
MZ story2 sambil tepek pics ok..the following pics are all from my sony dslr
ni pic org berpusu2 lps turun dari train..MZ naik train jer from our apartment to Disneyland Tokyo..tak jauh sgt pun actually..less than 1 hour (tukar 2 or 3 kali train yg berbeza)
syukur sbb ada my niece -wanie merangkap my photoG ler hahahha
cute kan train train tu MZ tak naik pun..rasanya utk pegi disneyland resort dan disney sea..MZ tak pegi pun disney sea..pegi disneyland theme parks jer
ni benda wajib amik sbb nak tgk/plan nak gi mana
org sgt ramai wpun ni weekday (ari selasa 6 dec 2016)
ni lps masuk main entrance, ada christmas tree yg sgt besar
MZ sgt impressed dgn tokyo yg sgt bersih...jauh beza dgn msia
even tong sampah pun berkilat2 sbb cleaners/staff nya polish2 lap2 gilap2 tong sampah tu
this is the main attraction--the castle
ramai org duduk2 sbb nak tunggu parade
my obsession--the castle!
so of course wajib posing2 sampai lembam
cuaca ok tak sejuk sgt time akan jd sejuk bila ada angin bertiup..tu MZ boleh bukak jaket merah tu time posing2
ni antara rides yg kami naik
sempat beli popcorn jugak
ada nampak princess/character apa MZ mls nak queue utk posing2 hahhaha
byk benda2 cute dlm disneyland ni..
small world from outside
sama jer kot mana2 small world dlm mana2 disneyland pun hehehhe sbb MZ dh masuk yg paris--so sama jer yg tokyo pun hahahha
tak cerah sgt pic sbb under shades
ok mkn time..kami mkn pizza seafood yg size mini (bentuk mcm karipap)..something happens before kami MZ tertinggal/terjatuh my samsung j7 masa lps naik of the rides/mcm 3d berlari pegi tanya staff...sbb MZ letak atas riba..bila bangun...jatuh..tak perasan...
perasan pun masa nak mkn...
so pegi tanya staff kat situ..staff tu call other staff
syukur dpt jumpa balik my j7
so nilah kali kedua tragedi careless by MZ kat tokyo--and memang amanah kan org2 jepun ni...
syukur sgt2
my j7 sgt baru..2 months old lebih kurang sbb baru jer dpt sblm dtg tokyo ni
anyway, ni pizza seafood yg MZ beli..
nilah pizzanya--dh lupa harga berapa
kami sempat naik jungle cruise jugak..
semua binatang2 artificial jerrrr tp looks real
ada runtuhan2 bangunan zmn kuno punya landscape
"painless dentist" hehehhe cute jer kan signage tu
some of the scenic view
ni pemandangan masa naik rakit...kami sempat naik cruise yg sgt besar ni
pokok tu ada buah kecik2
posing berlatarbelakangkan cruise
maple leaves kat mana2
kat dlm bandar tokyo pun sgt byk pokok2 maples so we can see these leaves everywhere
ni nak naik cruise plak
ni pemandangan dari dlm cruise
ni pic waktu ptg...still gelap bila posing dgn castle...cahaya not so frenly to us
wajib la beli apa2 yg patut wpun mahal
MZ beli FM yg ni
my fav pic
lupa nak tulis..tix disneyland (adult) ie RM300 (lps convert RM)..MZ beli online tak pyh beratur utk beli kat still long queue masa nak masuk tuuuuuu
...end of disneyland entry..
sambung entry lain plak edisi tokyo trip

wahh! ini terbaik! hadiah yg sangat bermakna kan! Sally pun nak g Hong xde geng laa..huhu
adoiii MZ cantik2nya gambar2 dekat sana tu, teruja pulak rasanya nak pegi sana :D
syoknye dpt smp disneyland....suzi dh 2 disneyland & tokyo
Bestnya...what a priceless experiences
wah...seronok nya jenjalan.. best best!! tak dapat gi .. tgk pic pun seronok dah. bila gie jenjalan mcm ni, harus lah snap banyak2..
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