Dear my lil ariff a.k.a Ahmad Ariff Shah,
Happy 6th birthday,
Thanks for coming into mama's, papa's and ur abg zharfan's life,
U add joy and cheers to our family,
U are a blessing to me, when I was doing my Phd,
U will always be my lil baby, my heart & soul..
and I will always pray for you...for the best of everything in life..
here and hereafter...amiin
latest pic..taken last sunday..ariff and abg and adik and papa

happy 6th birthday ariff...kejap je..thn dpn dh nk darjah 1
hepi besday ariff! dah 6thn dah..kejap je :)
hepi besday little ariff :)
Assalam sis,
happy belated birthday ariff
moga sentiasa dalam lindungan & rahmat Allah AMIN
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