kisahnya berkisar pada watak Ralph ie karekter dlm games...yg mana dia sbg watak jahat dlm game and tinggal kat tmpat sampah, so dia nak rasa jd karekter baik and dpt pingat sbb dia memang diprogramkan sbg karekter jahat, so misinya utk jd hero menyebabkan keadaan kucar kacir :)
mesej dari movie ni...hargailah siapa jua diri anda :) ie just be yourself gitu :)
ni sinopsis dari SINI
A video game villain wants to be a hero and sets out to fulfill his dream, but his quest brings havoc to the whole arcade where he lives.

1 comment:
Initially I thought I might not want to watch this movie with my youngest,but I think I'll change my mind after reading your review.
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