jln citer yg unik, pantas tak meleret2..kekuatan pada watak Dian (Lisa Surihani) --sgt cantik scenary kat Istanbul--one day I wanna be there ie nak pegi holiday dgn mr hubby sbb that one is his golden dream..
citer ni psl Dian (Lisa) yg pegi ke Istanbul sbb nak buktikan cinta pd kekasihnya (Tomok)...tapi apa yg dia harapkan tak menjadi mcm yg dia impikan...siyes besh jln citernya...byk part2 lucu, ada gak part2 romance (tapi Tomokmmc kaku sikit wataknya)...Beto besh berlakon tapi kurang hensemlah sikit heheheh ending, Dian kena pilih antara Tomok & Beto..and last2 Dian kawin kat Istanbul!! ni
sinopsis yg me amik kat sini --;P
Istanbul Aku Datang tells the story of a ditzy but kind hearted blogger girl named Dian, who travels to Istanbul, determined to get her boyfriend to put a ring on her finger! When she arrives, her boyfriend Azad grows increasingly distant from her, and she is forced to find her own place to stay. She is then cheated into staying with annoying Haris, and has no money to find another place. Although the two begin to rub each other up the wrong way, Haris slowly starts to hold a soft spot in her heart, and Dian must choose between the two men in her life. Follow Dian on her Turkish adventures in her search for true love.
me bagi 4 dari 5 bintang utk movie ni :) :) lisa sgt comel and sweet and sgt sesaui dgn karekternya dlm citer ni :)oh yer...Lisa ie Dian adalah seorg blogger dlm movie ni...siyes SYOK!!!

Nak gak tgk tapi lum berkesempatan.. hubby soh tunggu kuar kat Astro First jek.. sampai hati huhuu~
salam suzie...header makin lama makin comel...suka2x...
description kt bhgn hot entries je tk full...hari tu tak perasan...kalau masih nk kekalkan theme ni, free nanti boleh la sya tolong edit nanti yea...
bestnyer dpt tgk movie ni...suka tgk lisa...so sweet, so cute... ;-)
Disebabkan dah p tgk, nak jugak komen kat sini. So cute!!!!! Lisa dah improve byk lakonan dia.
ramai kata bez
bole try tgk juga ni
Best ker, nak gi tengok jugaklah
tengok astro ria je lah nampak nye :)
ramai yg ckp best.. nanti ayu nak ajak hubby gi dating berdua tgk citer ni..
Istanbul banyak tempat cantik..
*sapa nak ajak i p sane? huhu!
yup..best sgt cita nie..Ayu pun dah tgk cuti hari tu..
love it!!
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