there's nothing wrong of being single...cuma bila tgk those yg ada family (hubby & kids) mesti akan rasa lonely gak once in a while kan..
anyway, it's not about me, it's about of my ex-coursemate--last few days masa tgh berfb, ternampak dia tukar her profile status from 'being in a relationship' to 'single' the age of 35...
i know how it feels to being a single --sbb i got married at the age of 28, so lps grad tu, memang 'perit' gaklah bila org tanya bila nak kawin etc etc
anyway, kwn me tu, let me name her 'Z'--now dh jd senior lawyer pun (gaji maunya dh delat RM10k sebulan tu), ada keta, ada umah, penampilan pun up to date (masa kat univ dia ni jenis yg alim2 ie tudung labuh and tak trendy) now dh pakai tudung trendy2 (yg penting tutup aurat kay) and sbb single, asyik pegi holiday ajer--me nampak mcm2 pic holiday kat her FB...i know it's not easy to find a guy who is still single at the age of 35 and have good/stable career...99% of them are taken/somebody's else husband/fiance
emmm..jodoh sgt misteri- memang simpati tgk kwn2 yg masih single at 35 ni cuma nak tlg pun tak tau mcm mana --kat UIA mcm tak de je staff lelaki bujang (lecturer) kat my faculty ni..
what say u?
Semua nih rezeki kan?
ada2...kawan blogger saya..hazmanfadzil namanya..still single,stable job,baik orangnya..
juga my officemate,cimon..
mmm.. ila ada jer kawan lelaki ptd yg mencari jodoh tapi serius ila takut sbb penah jadi matchmaker sebelum nie (kawan lain plak) and at the end diorang tak jadi. dgn ila sekali terjebak dalam kes itu..huwaaa... hilang sorang kawan unibersity ku..
bersyukur juga i bertemu jodoh at the age of 27. Kira lewat gak tu. Ada a friend of mine pon x kahwin kahwin lagi. Jodoh pertemuan ketentuan ilahi!
selalunya kalau gitu payah dah nak kawen sebab dah sedap duduk..semoga kawan MZ cepat dapat jodoh..amin
rezeki masing2. It's not that being single means that you'll be lonely.
lol eyriqazz kasik promote hazman
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