copy paste from case ada yg lom baca..
Repost from my friend, Nooralida M Noor, who was assaulted as Tesco Malaysia Ampang on 3 July 2012. Constant vigilance, peeps.
Dear all, I've been assaulted by a Malay man weaponed with a knife in my car in allenged attempts of rape & possibly robbery too, at TESCO Ampang open-air car park at 2.50pm on Tuesday, 3rd of July (yes, in broad daylight!).
He had his left arm on my throat & held his knife with his right hand & slashed my neck at 2 places & stabbed my neck which wound had caused non-stop bleeding & required 3 stitches to be done on it. I defiantly fought back & tried shouting. He pinned me down with all his weight on the right side of my body & warned me to be silent & not to be stupid. He weighed 75-80kg & was 165cm in height. So, he was quite bulky.
He picked the wrong woman as I'd fight till the end of my life. I sounded the horn of my car with either my right hand or knee continuously after he pinned me down as he was trying to shut the driver's car door.
After 2-3 minutes of struggling, a concerned Sabahan lady and her mid-twenties son took an interest in the non-stop honking & the man's aggressiveness though they couldn't spot me at all as I was forced to lay down on my left & couldn't push him off me. Their interest in the situation made the attacker panicked & fled the scene.
He wasn't caught & is still roaming freely. To all my family, friends & students, please be cautious wherever you're. Even men aren't safe nowadays.
I drove to the police station to lodge a report & then to Gleneagles Hospital to seek medical attention. I'd a CT scan & several X-rays done. They stitched the wound of my neck. I'd difficulties breathing, talking, swallowing, walking, sitting & laying down. The scan & X-ray showed that my right lung was punctured & had collapsed 60% & that the chest wall was filled up with fluid & blood compressing my right lung. If I didn't do the surgery to remove the fluid & blood, I'd lose the function of my right lung & instantaneously the left lung would press on my heart which could cause the heart to stop beating.
I'm currently at the ICU after the tube insertion surgery for close observation & so far, there's been 360ml of fluid & blood extracted. Alhamdulillah.
Thank you to my family & friends who have visited me, and especially my two Sabahan Guardian Angels- Aunty Surianie & her son, Rafi. Without them, things will only get worse as the attacker was relentless & adamant.

Hmm..nauzubillahminzalik. tulah, skang kalau nak pergi mana2 rasa cuak sikit. kena ajak org teman tambah2 kalau tempat sunyi
wah untung dpt gi vietnam kan
oh my god..takut nya...itula tempat yg saya selalu pergi..
Malaysia mmg dah tak selamat. Kat adelaide lg selamat kalau jalan sorang2.
kita pun ada baca, mmg scray betul la,
sume tempat bahaya skang..huhuhu
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