me tak baca sinopsis psl citer ni, so masuk panggung dgn zero info psl animasi ni
rupa2nya, siyes sgt besh citer ni!! sarat dgn mesej berkenaan appresiasi alam sekitar..
yg besh--sbb animasi yg sgt berwarna-warni, sgt high quality..dan byk lagu2 start dari awal citer lagi ;)
jln citer yg sgt kreatif..psl dunia/bandar ThneedVille di mana pokok2 tidak lagi wujud...
sinopsis me amik dari sini
Dr. Seuss's classic story about the power of hope is brought to life on the big screen. A 12-year-old boy yearns for the affection of the girl of his dreams but in order to get what it takes, he'll first have to discover the story of the Lorax, a grumpy but charming forest creature who fights to protect his little world.
At the end of the story, the Once-ler reveals that he has one last Truffula seed left, and instructs the boy to start a new forest so that "the Lorax and all of his friends may come back."
me bagi 4 out of 5 star utk movie ni :)

bestnyee mz! selalu tengok wayang..dapat gembirekan anak2 kan? cter macamni sesuai sgt utk budak2
i watched it in 3d... memang superb!!! siap gayat2 lagi time budak tu naik skuter laju2.... he he......
wahhh mcm best tapi minggu lepas panggung emmanjang penuh sbb budak cuti sekolah
Tak tgk lagi Lorax ni......
I x tgk lagi citer ni.....mcm best je.
memang best kak. sangat2 seronok. mcam tgk musical theater kan... ada mesej tersendiri dan animation yang awesome. malam minggu lepas tgk kat capsquare, cuma 4 orang je satu hall. so rasa macam hall tu kite punya!
betol2.. kartun dia sgt comel! hehehehe..
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