my zharfan has a high taste when it comes to dream car...he likes sport car--tu sibuk suruh mama snap his pic--ni kat the Gardens MV...anyway, his taste is exactly like me ie me pun sgt sukaaa sports car!! ;) kereta sports impian me...lately tersangat suka dgn Mazda 3 sbb nampak sgt sporty and harga pun affordable gaklah :p

kereta sapa lah yer. plate gabungan 1 malaysia gitu.
Cun kereta tu..:)
comel je nie..hehe..
it is not impossible for zharfan to own this car one find day.. chaiyok2
Adik i pun ambik dari company G1M (Plet number). I naik Mazda 3 selalu le terantuk bila nak keluar kereta, bumbung rendah u. So now kena hati2. Kete yang i pakai lama tu bumbung tinggi. So kena ngejah sikit la....hehehehe...
haaaaaaaaa..apa lagi tukarla keta yg baru beli tue kiki
my son pun minat sgt dgn sport cars..
saya pon minat mazda 3. nak2 yg kaler biru tu, pergh.. meleleh tgk
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