tagline pun 'Malaysia's 1st Eco-Mall'
size mall ni sgtlah besar....the whole building tu...
apa yg eco sgt tu agaknya...
apa yg me nampak...ruang legar and kebykn ruang kat shopping mall ni ---tak guna air-cond, tapi guna kipas angin yg sgt besar (mcm gergasi) utk sejukkan udara--so memang dlm tu berangin/windy ala2 kat tepi pantai kesan putaran kipas yg besar iteww....and ada water fountain kat ruang legar...memang nyaman lah ;)
kedai2 baru 20% yg bukak, semua belum bukak lagi, mostly tgh renovate gitew...
and parking space sgt byk...rate parking masa me pegi ni, RM1 ajer per entry
ni me amik dari website Space U8:
"The roof of space u8 will hold solar powered panels that will contribute towards the developers aim to showcase the developments' Eco-friendliness. They will generate electricity which can be substantial enough to be distributed back into the grid. The roof also incorporates E-Glasses where only light is permitted in but not the heat.
The roof will house the longest Skylight to be installed in Malaysia. Spanning a breadth of 70 metres or 230 feet and a length of 178 metres or 590 feet with a combined weight of 70 tonnes, the record breaking roof structure is set to make its mark in The Malaysian Book of Records"
The roof will house the longest Skylight to be installed in Malaysia. Spanning a breadth of 70 metres or 230 feet and a length of 178 metres or 590 feet with a combined weight of 70 tonnes, the record breaking roof structure is set to make its mark in The Malaysian Book of Records"
me pegi sini based on GPS ajer (me search for Persiaran Pasak Bumi)..senang nak cari pun actually, sbb dekat2 area TTDI jaya :)
ni address & mapnya
6, Persiaran Pasak Bumi,
Taman Bukit Jelutong,
Seksyen u8, 40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Taman Bukit Jelutong,
Seksyen u8, 40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

wah!! thanks for the info..leh laa jenjalan sana pulak pas nie:)
ada cinema tak kat situ MZ?
saya kan in charge buat operational risk kat ofis, so sllu ada testing sistem di Heitech Padu, bukit jelutong, dah byk kali lalu, tp x pernah singgah. mgkn next time bolehlah pergi.
macam menarik, bila g shah alam boleh singgah ni..
wah bestnya, kalau budak2 mesti suka nk ukur mall..hehe
cantik header baru tu?.hihi
penah nampak tmpt ni masa g kenduri mgu lepas
tapi xmsk pon
kena tggu semua kedai buka...klau semuanya okey...x yahlah nak gi jauh2 lagi shopping
i selagi tak de ape2 yang berkenaan, tak sampai sini la kot.. jauh hehe
OK. pasni KC nak gi sini. tak penah pegi walaupun selalu ke rumah Kak Nani kat BJ tu.
love the new header. new year, new look :)
owhk..saya duk kat puncak perdana...heh..dah pg da tengok wayang pmbak rindu..tak sbar nk tunggu fully furnished..and semua kedai2 ada..wow..
akhirnya...tak yah p jauh2 nk tengok wayang kat area BJ,TTDI,Cahaya spk.....heh
hai kak suzie! :)
first time ni tau tentang tempat ni. thank you for sharing mering kakkkk~ :))
nice one. and unik sgt ur wordings..
struggling a bit to understand.. hehe
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