sedey endingnya....dua2 hero+heroin mati...kiranya cinta sampai syurga gitew...
death with dignity?
adik me ada share article english, tapi kalau ada masa, worth reading...psl hujung hidup kita..psl kalaulah kita ada option, seboleh mungkin kita nak mati kat umah, dikelilingi org2 tersyg...artikel tu omputeh yg tulis...even non-muslim pun percaya pd ajal maut dan konsep mati...psl how doctors know that artificial medicines/drugs and all sorts of treatment sgt menyakitkan...
ni what's my adik says masa weolls berFB...
" If there is a state of the art of end-of-life care, it is this: death with dignity" ..... Quoted from the article. Skrg kita faham kenapa org2 tua dahulu tidak mahu pergi hospital. Kalau dh smpai masa, dia nk berada di rumah dia, dgn dikelilingi oleh keluarga tersayang.....
Kesimpulannye : doktor tak mahu dia dibuat CPR, doktor tak akan mkn panadol kalau demam, doktor tak akan jahit luka dia ( dia akn pakai gam, true story).... Walhal dia akan buat semua tu pada pesakit2 dia...
When doctors ask if they want “everything” done, they answer yes. Then the nightmare begins. Sometimes, a family really means “do everything,” but often they just mean “do everything that’s reasonable.” The problem is that they may not know what’s reasonable, nor, in their confusion and sorrow, will they ask about it or hear what a physician may be telling them. For their part, doctors told to do “everything” will do it, whether it is reasonable or not.....
weolls (me & my adik2 emo and sentimental bab2 gini) sbb pengalaman sedey & pahit bila mana arwah ayah mengalami kesakitan di penghujung usia...semuanya bermula di hospital (GH)--dgn pelbagai treatment yg kami discovered later not the wise decision, in fact regrettable...wpun semuanya telah ditakdirkan, tapi we learnt lots of things, we learnt it the hard way, the painful way...
note : if we can choose, of course kbykan org wanna have last breath at home...dikelilingi org2 yg kita syg....ajal dan maut sudah tertulis di loh mahfuz .

bila citer bab kematian ni mmg sedih...huhuhu...cinta zikir and dhia smp ke syurga
sama la saya mula2 xmo terikat
sekali terlekat
terus melekat hahahhaa
MZ, comelnya header baru. Buat seniri ek?? Comel.. :) Jeles, mine buruk! :(
its true.. macam my BIL, he is a doctor, dua kali kene denggi.. tapi he treated himself differently dari he treated his patient.. dia kate dia tak nak sakit.. i know there is always an alternative..
Arwah Atuk dulu pun, masa dia dh tau ajal dia nak sampai, memang dia suruh bawa dia balik rumah. Doc bg 2 options utk paksa arwah atuk agar dia boleh bertahan atau pun let him go dgn aman... Kami sekeluarga pun tak sanggup nak tengok doc tu cucuk mcm2 kat badan atuk. N decide biar lah arwah atuk pergi tanpa ada wayar yg berselirat kat badan... N on 1 Muharram, arwah pegi dgn senang dan tenang d rumah dan d kelilingi oleh anak2 dan cucu.. I learnt something juga kat sini... If dah ajal, jgn kita paksa mcm2 dgn kaedah rawatan yg pasti tak boleh lagi nak selamatkan nyawa... Erk... terlebih pulak.. huhuhu....
citer sedey....maut dan ajal di tanganNYa
cite ni sedih menusuk kalbu. x mau tgk gak mn2 cite..cukupla sblm ni dgn nora elena..pastu Dhia :)
Suya pun tak nak terikat ng mana2 series dah.. letih nk kena follow..
mula2 tak layan fun citer ni...sebab keje balik tak on time..walaupu ada TV kat office pun, kadang2 kebizian kita membuatkan kita tak ingat pasal citer2 ni..tapi bila asyik terbaca status tentang dhia kat wall...tgk kejap sebab nak tgk apa yang bestnya..pastu terus melekat..but still on off...semalam last episode pun tak dapat tgk jer baru tgk kat you tube..
Yupp...those treatments... not the wise decision, in fact regrettable.. :((
sama macam my late grandma. she refused to continue with her dialysis sebab dia kata NANTI MATI JUGAK. so we brought her back and alhamdulillah she managed to bertahan sampai 2 bulan without her treatment. and she passed away at home, surrounded by her family..... *tears*
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