last week, 4 hari in a row me attend training
minggu ni termasuk ari ni, 3 hari in a row me attend workshop (monash)+seminar (KLCC Convention centre)
apa2 pun, i love my job..
now tgh suspens mode tunggu sama ada my law article utk international journal diterima ataupun rejected...two of my colleagues dh dpt email about sgt lah debar2 far belum dpt apa2 email..harap2 no email yet means good news
du u love ur job with all ur heart? i do...very2 much
note : ari ni gaji masuk utk gomen staff..Alhamdulillah...

suka?? tak suka?? ikut mood haha
mmg bunyinya mcm bz sgt 2 :p
kak..about Prof Aziz Bari..naper AIKOLIANS xstand-up or back-up ekk
yeayy...gaji masuk arinie...tpi ...byk bil dok nunggu dah....hahaha
sy suka keje sy..which is...fulltime housewife.. =)
me pun suka my job.. hehehe
saya mmg syang keje saya
sebab tak stress mmg sonok
my college pun dapat gaji arini!! sama cam gomen staf..hehe..i like...
moga journal sis diterima..=)
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