tadi ternampak satu entry psl slogan...jom baca utk dptkan some ideas and inspiration. ni me copy paste that entry...psl slogan utk contest pc.com fb.
Last month we had an awesome tagline contest for the Samsung Galaxy S II. To be honest, we did expect a lot of entries, maybe 500 at best. But you guys were awesome, sending in a total of 1,539 entries! Rest assured we made sure it’s a fair selection, there was no discrimination between English or Malay entries, and no favouritism towards regular posters on our Facebook Page. The below 10 entries have been finalized for Samsung’s Top 5 selections – which one do you think will make the cut? Tell us in your comments!
1. Saya layak memenangi Samsung Galaxy S II sebab Hebat, Canggih dan Seksi, Ibarat Setiausaha Peribadi, Bagai Dunia di hujung jari, Saya Mesti Miliki
2. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because my current phone makes public payphones laugh, and I would kill for the Samsung Galaxy S II
3. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because my life’s best moments are shared with the touch of a finger.
4. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because I’m able to See More, Play More, Live More beyond everything else. Anticipating tomorrow, today.
5. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI SII…… I found it !!
6. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because even my 90 years old Grandma’s teeth all drop off when she saw Sgs2, UNBELIEVABLE!!! XD
7. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because { int Happiness = 100; while (DontHvSGS2) { if (DontHvSGS2) { Happiness–; } if (Happiness < 0) { Alive == false; break; } }
8. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because whatever the situation, wherever the location, Samsung Galaxy S II is the perfect selection.
9. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because environment friendly^^. No need buy puppy’s meal just show bone picture everyday..ITS TOO REAL!!!
10. I deserve to win the Samsung Galaxy S II because with AMOLED, flying colours are no longer only in my exams.
--antara top 10 finalists ni, yg mana uolls rasa paling kreatif di mata uolls? me tak join pun contest ni :) :) baca2 ajer sambil boleh dpt idea utk contest2 yg lain :)
note : me sendiri--me suka google2 and then olah, reka, amik part2, combine2 and jdkan slogan tu sounds unik, as unique as possible--anyway, me pun jrg menang contest slogan ni :p, tapi tak boleh give up :)

Hmm, canggih2 gak ye..secara peribadi saya suka no. 5, 2 dan 1..
mmg tk brp reti ler bab2 slogan ni...
saya pun tak reti nk buat slogan! mmg outla....
me masuk contest ni tapi tau me tak menang...hehehe....:-) slogan based me masih tak berapa nak reti nak reka....
kite pon mmg tak reti gileee!!!!
kdg2 taste organizer ni lain2kan..ade yg gile2, ade yg skema,tu klu contest ade slogan pikir 10x nk join,hahaha
saya x pandai nak mengarang ayat & tak kreatif langsung :D
kakyong kan bila part slogan ni.. terus beku... hahahah... x leh nak berpk...
seem nye kreatif je slogan tu hehe
sy pon lemah gak tang kreatif slogan ni
Failed mz..hehe
pergh..kreatif gle!konpem!
catchy...suke lagi slogan jenis punch-lines...i suke slogan sha emenang (catchy), jing2 (punch-lines), tbadly (impress giler dengan wordin), devi (wording superb!), vic (slogan die selalu panjang giler) dan suzi fadila (straight to the point dan cute bunyik dier) heheheh
1 dAN 8 Pon mcm best..samalah..idea tu kekadang ader..kekadang ke laut nk buat slogan
Ding! kena ada mentol lampu baru flash idea mencurah2. jujurnya wan agak fobia dgn slogan cntest. sbb tu slalu terlepas join even resit dah lama terperap simpan. tangguh2 nk reka slogan huhu
suka no 1
bab2 slogan ni plg lemah..kak nak tanya, hari tu yg mamil gold akak buat ala2 mcm ni atau ayat2 ys skima..maaf kalau sy bertanya yer..sb ingt nak join..
bagus join contest slogan, test minda/kreativiti kita. :)
bagus jo
slogan t-shirts
in contest slogan, test minda/kreativiti kita. :
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