Friday 19 August 2011

Sneek peek | photoshoot with Eyes of Grace Studio

baru dpt cd pics from photoshoot hasil lensa zubye@eyes of grace--memang puas ati :) pics are my treasured memories selagi hayat dikandung badan--and utk tatapan my boys bila diaorg dh besar nanti...

nanti me tepek some of the pics --the cd has 124 pics total--30 min studio photoshoot ajer pun...sponsored by juanita(me won contest at her blog) :) PS ni worth RM250 :)


  1. bestnyer win contest photoshoot .. eyes of grace lagi pulak tu... akak teringin nak buat photoshoot untuk diaroang nanntiler bila der duit lebih2 ...

  2. Sooo nice..
    Pandai lak tu lil Ariff posing :-)

  3. Tak pernah lagi buat photoshoot cam gini, mmg npk menarik kan :)

    BabyIntan’s new n3:
    Siapakah Gerangan Pemakai Bunga Ini?
    Siapa Yg Terover Seksi Tu?
