ni me copy paste..
Subject: USA & European countries banned
on OREO cookies consumption!!!
on OREO cookies consumption!!!
Dear OREO Luvers,
For those who can't read Mandarin, here is the translated version of the
article attached below:
An attorney from California filed a lawsuit against Krafts, stating that
OREO produced by the company not only causes damages in health, but also
dishonestly promote their products; requesting the company to halt the
sales of OREO in the market.
OREO contains hydrogenated oil or Trans fats, to prolong the storage of
the biscuit, but at the mean time increase the consumption of BAD CHOLESTEROL,
increasing the possibility of diabetes and heart disease.
Although the research on Trans Fats affecting health has not been concluded,
the national institute of science research states that any amount of Trans
Fats consumed is not safe.

hmmm tiba2 teringat pasal oreo cheesecake.. makanan sedap selalunya bahaya.. =(
mujur fyqa xminat makan oreo :)
sy suke biskut ni
bahya ek saya ni kolestrol dah la tinggi
oreo terlampau manis..creamo ok sket..
eliss suka makan biskut kering cicah teh o. biskut lain x berapa jalan :)
sama macam suya..xsuka cookies~ tapi suka buat untuk raya
@Mrs Azhar : yepp..yg sedap selalunya tak berapa health-frenly :)
@Princess Feyqa : sama mcm me :)
@Nana : memang manis kan so konpem tinggi gula and kolesterol :)
@manggosteen : yep, betul tu--anyway, tq sbb sudi singgah & komen :) cute ur nickname--tiba2 rasa nak mkn manggis heheh
@elis : boleh geng dgn me heheh
@me suya : sama mcm me gak tu :) tapi time raya me beli ajer :)
alamakk..saya suka oreo...huhu...xpe.. saya ada makan minyak ikan omega tu utk buang kolesterol dalam darah..hehe.. tapi tak selalu pun makan oreo ni..sekali sekala aje..
kak aya tak suka tapi anak-anak yang suka, lepas ni confirm tak beli lagi dah.
tq untuk info
alamak, dah 3 hari berturut2 mkn wat dessert after buka posa. minggu lps wat oreo cheesecake plak tu huhu
omg!biar btol..ifa dh jrg2 mkn oreo nie..dulu zmn slkh masa die baru2 kuar sllu la..adeh..
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