Saturday 6 August 2011

Be EXTRA careful with public toilets

me dpt forwarded message in my inbox..

To all Ladies,

Please be alert of Public Toilet near to Bandaraya STAR LRT station and Pertama Kompleks.
Recently on Friday last week, there was a lady from CIMB Bank, after work she carries her handbag and
Laptop  when to the public Ladies Toilet near to Bandaraya STAR LRT Station.  There is a guy
using chloroform and make her go unconscious by using handkerchief and close her nose. Later after one hour she wake up and realize that her handbag and laptop was stolen and she has been raped.
She was bleeding heavily in virginity and complete naked
. She scream for help and few people help her and send to hospital.  Now she is in GH Hospital under ICU Coma stage.

This incident just happen last week Friday on 8 July. Please be extra careful and do not use any public toilets around this area. 
note : better be safe than sorry


  1. sekarang ni rasa macam tak selamat je walau kat mana2 pun kita pergi..kenapa agaknya ye?

  2. Risaunya.... Toilet kat lorong sempat tu kot...

  3. kwn ckp, perompak cum perogol itu telah ditangkap di Shell Danau Kota kot; selepas buat jenayah yg sama. Parents dia tak percaya anaknya jahat-tak pernah ada kes polis..

  4. hai takutnye kes macam niii..isk..sian die

  5. @Kak Aya : betul tu...kena hati2 sentiasa

    @liza : yep, may be sbb isolated kot...rasa2nya me pernah masuk toilet kat Pertama Complex tu..time bujang2 dulu

    @blog-tips-kurus : tq for the info..moga2 tak de lagi lelaki yg jahat gitu di mana2

    @emi : wal iya zubillah..kena hati2 kalau pegi mana2 sorang2

    @puan nina : so scary...

  6. LRT Bandaraya? Ni LRT depan sogo nih....

  7. oh bahaya nyer...
    kesian kat perempuan tue...
