Wednesday 4 May 2011

Lil Ariff is one of winners Baby With Hat Contest | 1st winning pic hasil DSLR ni ;

Rezeki bln May-wpun me masih belum mula aktif bercontest montest sejak balik Msia ni--byk pulak urusan bila dh ada kat tanahair sendiri ni...

anyway, my lil Ariff is the 3rd prize winner for Baby With Hat Contest organized by anje mama balqis ;) tq anje for having the contest, tq to judges sbb sudi pilih ariff, and congrats to the other 2 winners ;) ada final round plak lps ni utk contest anje ni sbb hadiahnya holiday kat Cameron Highlands--grand gitu ;)

dan tempat ketiga dimiliki oleh

Ahmad Ariff Shah
pic ariff ni hasil DSLR, papa yg snap masa weolls kat Notts (Riverside) :) i miss notts...

anyway, nama me naik gak as one of lucky winners for 1st GA by sToriesfor3boys ;) tq to the organizer and congrats to all lucky hard core compers yg menang secara berjamaah--tq nana sbb sudi alertkan me psl result GA ni ;)

note : 1st & 2nd winning for May 2011


  1. wahhhhh! taniahhh! ishhh! patut number 1 tu!

  2. topi team england ke tu? ke team chelsea? (x nmpk sgt sbb dari sisi). apapon tahniah, topi and model cilik membawa tuah :)

  3. weee comey... macam kat obersi je... (memang pon)... tahniah mz... bila nak tulis entry2 yang HOT lagi hehe :)

  4. akak lucky betul la..tahniah ye..awe mmg suka tgk telatah anak2 akak..hehe

  5. mmg kiut pun gambar arif tu kak...
    nway..tahniah yer

  6. tahniah!
    ariff mmg comei!

  7. cute..nanti jumpa aunty yer lil boy..

  8. Tahniah Kak Suzie.. Comelnya Ariff..

  9. congrate....memang cute photo ni..pandai ariff possing...hehehe

    tag for mama @

    New Entry: Emilio Valentino

    Jom join my contest [Contest] Preloved items to let go

  10. tahniah buat ahmad ariff shah. dah kata dah kalau balik sini mesti bzz ajer ek

  11. Tahniah..mmg cantik pun hasil DSLR ni + lil' arif pun mmg cute..:)
