then me ada dpt email psl latest promo dari Milk A Deal..
presents Kuala Lumpur
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Go BrownOne of the most popular places for chocolate spa treatments is The Spa at Hotel Hershey, Pennsylvania. Mention chocolate, remember Hershey. No one else knows chocolate better than Hershey, right?
At Milkadeal, we’ve got the next best thing! A delicious spa, too sweet to be missed, located right smack in Aman Suria, Petaling Jaya. There’s no need to travel as far as Pennsylvania.
I Gorgeous’s Chocolate Spa deal at only RM88 for a Full Body Scrub + Chocolate Mask Wrap + Aromatic Steam Bath + Hydrotherapy Milk Bath + Full Body Massage is as good.
Still not sold to the idea of smearing chocolate all over the body instead of popping them in the mouth?Applying chocolate spa products on the skin has several health benefits. Cocoa butter and glycerides extracted from cocoa beans that’s rich in fatty acids, makes skin soft, firm and plump it up. It comes with anti-aging properties, removes harmful radicals and leaves skin looking fresh and glowing too.I Gorgeous Skin and Body Spa not only offers the famous Chocolate Spa using Swiss Chocolates but also Payot’s Facial Gymnastics with 42 steps massage technique that’d reveal one’s true beauty.
Don’t be surprised when people start picking up chocolates from the supermarket aisles, melt it and mask themselves with chocolates after this.
Save the hassle, click this deal clean and make your friends cocoa envy. Better still, get this for your friends and family too and go brown together!
wohooo...choc wrap...kiranya lumur2 choc kat bdn...emmm..tak sanggup rasanya...
me suka jer lulur2 renpah2 kalau choc, entahlah..rasa mcm weird :p
uolls sanggup tak?

tk pernh try tp rs mcm best je tgk tp jgn time die urut rs nk mkn lak..hehehe
bau je mcm choc kak~ mmg best~
melekit2 la kan..erkk xsnggup gk rsnya..
walaupun miza penggemar coklat tapi rasanya tak sanggup lah nak berendam/lumur dengan coklat.
dari buat lumur baik bagi saya makan...hehehe...saya hantu coklat...kang tak pasal2 tengah lumur2 saya pergi makan pulak coklat tu...hehehe
New Entry: <a href='>Dilema | Nak teruskan atau tidak?</a>
rasa macam nak makan jer...hehehe
sambil spa smabil mkn coklat ok la kot. hehe..kalau bau je mmg terliur la
hahahah tak sanggup gak..
sambil spa sambil makan kekeke
orang nak tido2 bila di urut
aitu pi spa ada choc facial mask...mmm bau mmg cam coklat...tpi ok..xde lah rse mual ke apa..juz bau coklat jek...
OMG chocolate :D sanggup! kalau makan blh tk? hihihi ;)
wahhh! ingat kopi jer wat spa...coklat pun...walaupun deqlis penggemar tak sanggup nk lumur coklat kat badan...sayangggg..hehe... baik makan..kih kih kih...hahaha mcm mana nak diet gini???hehe
hehehe , klu ijah rasa mcm geli aje. hehe
cam best je nie sis.hihi.
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