Tuesday 1 March 2011

Permulaan yg baik utk Mac | lil Ariff 2nd prize winner Contest baby & lolipop

Alhamdulillah, dgn sokongan 68 org yg telah voted utk ariif, so ariff dpt no 2 :) thanks uolls :)

tempat kedua:

68 undi..

nama:AhMaD aRiF ShaH..

Nama Ibu:Mama ZafRan.....


1st prize winner contest organizer yg pilih, bukan based on vote :)

congrats to balqis -anje's girl sbb dpt no 3 :)

attention to my dear blogger frens, readers, visitors,

me ada join one voting contest--FB voting start 3 mac kalau tak silap
Insya Allah, me akan buat contest again--me dh siap beli few purse clarks--kaler purple jer yg ada stok(horehh berjaya memujuk hubby pegi factory outlet) as prize to those yg voting utk me--bersedia uolls yer utk tlg me vote kat FB--one hadiah for lucky voters and few hadiah utk penyumbang votes paling byk kat FB :) bersedia dgn FB a/c masing :)
kiranya WIN-WIN lah--u win and me win, Amiin!

note : 1st winning for Mac 2011


Yuyu Zulaikha said...

hehehe.. saya suka arifff~ gg rabbit macam yuyu ka??

mizayusof said...

congrats sis :)

cik cek said...

Tahniah!....Ariff...memang cute :-)
secute mamanya kan....

Fana Flora said...

comelnye ariff :D
tahniah ;)

Ayu Zarina said...

tahniah lil ariff..
sangat2 sweet..

klik2 hb arini

Anonymous said...

heheh tahniah
tak sia2 wat entry meraiah undi ritu..damia xmenang pon
ariff menang
ramai kwn2 saya tlg vote utk ariff aritu.
wah ada vote kt fb ek hehehe sy mmg xjoin dah klw vote kat fb tu hahahah malas nk rayu la..

MamaRifqy said...

tahniah ariff!!! compommmmm na akan vote..nak purseee !!

MamaRifqy said...

tapi..kalau bukan sbb purse pon..mmg akan vote..hahaa

♥ Anje a.k.a Mama_Balqis said...

wow wee...best ni pasti join bab vote2 ni kalo tak de adiah pun tetap vote untuk mz k...tolong kawan2

transformed housewife said...

congrats! dtg klik HB jugak ni.

tiefazatie said...

wah...bestnya..tahniah lil ariff!

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...


Unknown said...


Ibu Aqmar said...

wah best3..tahniah yek. nnt nk join gak contest tu. tak sabornye..hehe :)

nur said...



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