Monday 28 February 2011

HB income | 3 bulan me aktif--and it makes me happy :)

entry ni bertujuan utk menaikkan semangat uolls utk aktif and gigih ber HB

nilah my latest income..

me mula aktif HB since december--me join HB sometime in may/jun 2010, tp me tak buat apa2 lps tepek effort no money lah

TOTAL INCOME (3 months) RM367.35 (as at 28 feb 2011)--ciput for some people, tp for me sgt bererti---sbb hasil blogging kan..

me cash out 1st time masa dev 2010--RM66
and then me cash out last few week (mid feb) RM180
and now, balance income utk me peram2 for 3rd cash out RM120 as at 28 feb--nak kena gigih berHB --me beli set corelle dgn duit HB ni :p--me byr instalment, so nak guna duit HB gak utk byr final instalment ni--end of mac ;)

me akan buat entry utk share some tips psl HB ni (kalau sempat esok yer)--esp nak bagi income membukit--those yg aktif HB memang dh expert pun mcm mana cara nak promo2 tu.. :)

selamat berHB uolls!!

me one happy HB affiliate,


Ely Hasrul said...

beshnye!! nnti buat entry cmne nk membukit tu! hahaha

dh klik hb

Cho Zila said...

i join hbpun dari sini gak..
thanks.. harap i leh gak dapat sesikit dari sini...

Anonymous said...

bez nye la hai
saya xbanyak lg
duit dlm hb hhe
klik hb!

Mariah Binti Abd Rahim said...

Alhamdulillah... rezeki akak.. :)

mizayusof said...

Tahniah MZ :)
Jeles Miza tengok earning tu.
Duit free. Duit Free :)

nur said...

tahniah MZ.. hepi for u 2..
Jemput ke:ALL IN ONE

risa said...

uwaaaaaaaaaaa...jeles nye saye..hehehe saye satu sen pon tarak...kannn rajin le sangat:)

Cik Bambam said...

perghhhhh~! rezeki2..!!hehehe..

klik HB MZ! :P

MamaYatie said...

dahsyat sih! nnt nampak set corell ingat HB..tahniah

cik ewun said...

besh nya! ;)

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

tahniah akak...

ardinihumaira said...

fuhh tahniah kak tumpang hepi dni tau ;)

Farra Dhelina said...

best gile jd MZ!! :-)

tiefazatie said...

pergh!sgt berbaloi2 la sis!


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