Tuesday 4 January 2011

Contest terbaru Nuffnang (F&N Magnolia Sherbet)--hadiah sgt lumayan, tp me tak dapek nak join :(

semlm me nampak kat site Nuffnang, dh launch psl contest ni...

and then, me nampak my blogger fren asfieda impiana dh buat entry pun--gigih & pantas tu...and best gak entrynya even super duper pantas pun....yelah...mesti pantas--sbb ada hadiah weekly yg sgt beshh (cash)--and....hadiah utama pun giller beshh--cash RM1500 for the 5 most creative entries

uwaaaaa...:( :( :(
mcm contest Nuff-Pizza Hut gak (yg mana my geng comper Mira Em's family dan jugak Bro Ishak each won RM2K), me tak dpt join contest ni sbb syaratnya, nak kena snap pic posing2 dgn product tu---mana nak dapek kat UK ni :( :( tak de Magnolia--kalau Walls ada lah...

:( mode sedih--sbb terlps peluang utk join--menang kalah belakang kira, yg penting join (kalau join, must try the best lah of course)

so, good luck to all yg join--uolls yg jenis creative tu, jgn lepaskan peluang tau--RM1500 cash is a lot of money--at least it means a lot for me--me kan keje mkn gaji, hidup plak kat KL (my life kat Msia --starting 14 April 2011 soon)--so paham2 ajerlah bab2 duit ni..aisehhh

ni me copy paste info psl contest tu--taken from Nuff site

Available in 4 variants of Lychee, Mangosteen, Melon and Orange, the fruity flavours perk you up without the heaviness of a full-dairy ice cream. It’s perfect for those of us who want to indulge a little every now and then without feeling guilty about it.

Here’s your chance to enjoy some refreshing sherbet and be rewarded at the same time. F&N is organising a blogging contest exclusively for Nuffnangers where you could win up to RM 1,500 in cash! Here’s what you need to do:

1. The contest runs for from 3 January 2011 – 31 January 2011.
2. Write a blog post with the title, “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day _______” and complete the sentence with any catchy phrase you like. “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Keeps My Fat Rolls Away”, “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Gives Me Strength For My Day”… okay we’re sure you can do better than us. :S
3. Tell us about your favourite Magnolia Sherbet flavour as creatively as possible.
4. Include pictures of yourself with your favourite Magnolia Sherbet flavour in your blog post as well! -- :( :( me can't fulfil this term/criteria :( :(

Check out what you stand to win for exercising your creative imagination:
Best written blog post (x5)

RM 1,500 cash each

Weekly winner (x3)

RM 200 cash each (for the most creatively completed blog post titles of: “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day _____” every week
except Week 4, 24-31 January 2011)
Yes, F&N Magnolia is giving RM 1,500 each to FIVE lucky Nuffnangers, and RM 200 to THREE Nuffnangers who complete the slogan the most creatively each week! This means that you could win up to RM 1,700 if your slogan blows our socks off


  1. kita mmg takkan join cont mcm ni..sbb mmg tak kreatif la kak..heee tgok je laa hehe..

  2. thanks for the info mama zharfan!.
    at least mira dah tawu.maybe nak join!thankksssss

  3. nak join tp.......... tak pandai nk tulis... erm.. akan dipikir-pikirkan dulu ye.. thanks for the info

  4. jgn la sedih..anggap tu bukan ur rezeki..

  5. me malas nk joint psl x kreatif nk buat entry!hihihi

  6. jgn sedih ye sis, pepun semangat tu tetap ada.. zura teringin sgt nak join contest cmni tapi x kreatiflah sis hehehe

  7. wah perh hadiah memang mantop, tapi kita lemah la kalo bab2 kreatip ni

  8. kembalinya k.suziey ke malaysia nnt mcm2 contest boleh join. blend bnyk2 idea dulu k.suziey, esok dah balik mesia kasi boom itu geng2 master comper! hahahah

  9. MZ
    ada baca juge tapi tak perasan pula kene ada gambo tu

  10. ifa pun bru baca nie smlm sis..mslhnye..ifa dh g beli belah dh..cis..kne cari la nt..but ifa lemah bab2 amik pic nie..sob2..

  11. mz, sebenanye zt nipon konon2 nk joinlah..xdpt 1500 tu dpt 200 pon xper, tp nk perah otak slogan best,hahaha

  12. lumayan adiahnye...kt uk tkde eskrem magnolia ek

  13. Salam...Ya Allah malu nyer, nama AI interprem kat entri Mz...heheheh..neway tq sis mentioned my name....ngehngehngeh...ber iya2 beno nak join sampai sesat barat malam tadi tau....nasib baik jumpa jalan pulang, ate sampai ke s.alam la jawabnya..sume pasal Magnolia Sherbet!!!

    Tp memang sedap...mcm AI tulis kat situ tu..ngehgnehngeh....

  14. takpe suzie.. your time will come.. soon, 4 months to go.. :) i tadi dah cari magnolia ni, tapi tak jumpe, susah jugak nak cari sherbet ni..

    tengah pulas pulas nak buat entry ape ..

  15. dni teringin nak join tapi tak bape kreatif. heee... nak try gak perah otak join ni. best nye dapat 200. beli cekelat bebanyak :D

  16. x per...next time blh join..x lama dah..!!

  17. memang terigin nak join.. tapi belum ada keyakinan lah...
