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this is what my lil blog has achieved after 7 months being an active blogger..
not bad for a lil blog --I guess so :) :)
hoping to keep on improving the figures, though it becomes tougher as the number gets smaller ...
note : yepp..blogging is for fun and passion, but to know these figures is a motivation to keep on blogging, esp on the "off" day or no mood to make an entry..
wah...bestnya mama...huhu...x penah lagi capai pagerank macam tu...
yep! setuju ayat last tue.. hehehe
tahniah...sila tingkatkan lagi usaha anda...!!hehe..
wah dah makin mantop la, mesti la blog suzie kan top...cayok2
wah..caya la sis!
mine xde ranking kot..haahaaha
malas nak check.haha.
kalo dah ada off day tu, mmg susah nak start balik huhuh... mcm saya demam hari tu, demam betul nya bbrp hari je, tp mmg x hapdet seminggu!
x pernh ambik tau pasal alexa ranking ni..
apapun.. tahniah mz :)
alexa....hurmmm.....nak check la...
i punya blog x leh search.. hehehe.
tp kan setiap kali BW mesti i tersangkut kat blog tu... lama juga nak baca entry2 diorg.. tu yg x leh nak BW byk2.. hukhukhuk
tahniah MZ. satu kemajuan untuk blog pink ni :)
tahniah.. terus kan usaha...
memang menaikkan motivasi bila nombor tu jd semakin kecik... walau trafik menten jer... ;)
good improvement!!! keep it up..
setuju!bila tgk alexa rank makin naik lagi semnangat nak berblogging...tahniah sis..
weols pun nan ado ranking kekdahnye huhu
wah cantik icon icon tu huhu
well done! hebat tu
tahniah MZ..
pembakar semangat ye..
terbaek la akak..
tahniah kak! ^__^ bestnye kan lama pulak dni tak jenguk alexa. nak tengok gak la jap :D
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