Thursday 2 December 2010

Stop Child Abuse


What is a child abuse?

-->intended or unintended harm to a child by another person who may be parents, relatives or guardians.

There are four major categories which are
  • physical abuse, 
  • neglect, 
  • sexual abuse and 
  • emotional abuse.

how rampant is the child abuse cases in Malaysia?

according to Social Welfare Department of Malaysia indicated each year at least 1,000 children in Malaysia are reported as victims

source :

what is our role as a parent, an individual, a part of the community and society?

but how??

-->>>Educate yourself about child abuse. Child abuse is most common within the family household, and children are much more likely to be abused by their parents than they are at the hands of a stranger. Furthermore, abuse is almost never an isolated event. If you have seen signs of abuse, it is likely a systematic trend in that child's life.

--->>>Stop any child abuse you witness. Do not stand idly by if you see a child being harassed or abused. This includes verbal or emotional abuse. If you believe you have witnessed child abuse, but are afraid to act on it  If you believe a child is in immediate danger to their health or well-being, report it immediately to the relevant authorities--they can handle a violent individual rather than risking your own safety and the safety of the child.

source :

I can't imagine if my two lil sweethearts being abused--by anyone; in any form of abuse--
that should not happen, never and ever..shouldn't happen to any child at all!!! coz every single child has the right to grow up healthily, happily, optimizing their potentials in life!

the above entry is meant for

NUFFNANG--Get On Board to Stop Child Abuse and Win a Sony Cybershot W190