Wednesday 1 December 2010

Nuffnang is having a LUCKY DRAW based contest--uolls notice or not?jom jom jom let's join

NUFFNANG : "Get On Board to Stop Child Abuse and Win a Sony Cybershot W190"

me overlook pun terperasan psl promo/contest ni bila tgk ayuarjuna buat entry to join this contest
well well well......wpun me jrg menang contest yg lucky draw based, but no harm joining kan, after all, no creativity is needed, a simple entry will give all participants equal chance to win--hadiahnya ada 3 ajer, one given away ada lg 2 sony cameras for 2 lucky winners!

sooooo....jom jom jom....let's join that Nuff contest beramai2 yer-- a simple entry won't take u a long time to publish--i'll publish mine soonest possible--kalau sempat mlm ni or esok (waktu UK), nothing to lose pun. :)
note : prinsip me, kalau lucky draw based, join & forget ajer ie tak berharap apa2 pun, kalau menang, kira REZEKI!!


  1. aiyak..sis xperasan ke..sori2..ingat sis dh tau..neway anta sekali j edh cukup kan sis..sbb automatik akan join utk tiga2 week tue yg ifa phm ifa slh phm ek?blurry..

  2. rasa2nyer every week kene tulis entry baru pasal child abuse nie kalau nak join every week, let say minggu ini pasal child abuse at home, pastu pasal child abuse at school, atau child abuse in general.

    itu apa yang ms red ribbon paham la...

  3. mmg perasan dan mmg dah join :)
    tp bukan stkt join utk contest je..
    mmg join raise ur hand! stop child abuse :)

  4. da persan tp lum buat lagi..hehe
    sungguh xbagus kan..melepaskan chance..

  5. Saya dah join contest ni..tapi takde rezeki lagi.

  6. tak pe, sempat lagi join untuk minggu ni. ;p

  7. jarang Nuffnang nak buat luck draw macamni...macam nak join tapi xtau sempat ke tak..huhu

  8. good luck tuk semua yg nak menjoinkan diri....!!!

  9. lucky draw ker.. adooi.. naper la tak perasan.. dah close ker... ;)
