Friday 26 November 2010

They're not dead...

just botak, gondol, dogol...

nilah latest pic yg me snap last few days...

semua pokok2 kat school me dh jd mcm ni..dh tak de daun langsung...utk winter kan...

termasuklah pkok epal pun jd gondol..tinggal buah jer yg over ripen--tp tinggi melangit--sekadar boleh snap pic guna maz zoom digicam me ni..

ari rabu dh ada snow pun...bukan kat Notts, tp kat York (dlm Uk gaklah)..and snow agak tebal--me tgk pics kat dlm paper..

Notts belum snow lg ni...jakun menunggu suhu memang sgt sejuk now..pg2 memang frosty...

ni me copy paste from Metro UK online

Snow heading south as north England drivers warned of difficult conditions

Drivers in the north-east of England are facing treacherous conditions on the roads this morning because of overnight snowfall and freezing temperatures.

Snow fun for drivers as a police officer directs traffic over the North Yorkshire Moors (PA) Snow fun for drivers as a police officer directs traffic over the North Yorkshire Moors (PA)
Snow throughout the night - and further showers earlier this morning - are affecting areas on Tyneside, with Scotland already in the grip of midwinter with up to four inches falling in some parts of the north east.

According to local reports, some of the main routes were not gritted in time to prevent ice and snow forming on the roads - leaving some drivers inching their way along their morning commutes.
Hazardous conditions are widespread in the rural areas of North Yorkshire, particularly on the North York Moors, with snow falling in Pickering, Thirsk and York.
Some trunk roads even became partially blocked during the rush hour and breakdown call-outs are expected to increase by half.

Snow has covered widespread areas of the north of England already, as well as several parts of Wales and Northern Ireland.

And the icy conditions look set to be heading south over the next 24 hours, with parts of south Yorkshire, the Midlands, and East Anglia next in line. London is expected to experience 'wintry showers' later.

It is expected to be the earliest major snowfall since 1993.


  1. subhanallah..tgal ranting pon nmpk cantek jugak ;)

  2. pokok suda gondol..snow coming soon..

  3. aduh pokok tuh tinggal ranting buah still ada.tak pulak gugur.mesti sejuk giler kan kat sana...

  4. wah....nie la rupanya kalu xberdaun ye sis..hihi..

    tp ada masih tue buah nie sis..pelik2..hihi

  5. tahun ni snow cepat turun kan... bersiap sedialah kita menuggu snow :)

  6. tu lah, tgh tggu snow gak ni di plymouth :)

  7. alau terlebih2 snow bahya juga kan

  8. last 2 days my sist kata dah 2celcius..... hari nie....???

  9. ermmm mmg cantik sgt...x dpt kat m'sia kalau musim daun luruh kat kg ada la sikit2...hehe..
