Wednesday 17 November 2010

Me RM100 richer!!! -- won from Eyriqazz (FB like) My Raya Moments Contest

dpt duit raya sempena raya haji ni..

setelah gigih berusaha utk memancing undi, menebalkan muka..
and tak lupa juga 121 undi dari peserta2 my 2nd GA yg me buat last month, finally, it ended up that me dpt 2nd prize ie 2nd highest vote kat FB me dpt 386 likes... 1st prize winner dpt  471 likes..tak daya me nak bersaing...

so, rezeki duit RM100 ni akan me masukkan ke dlm savings account anak2 me, rezeki my Zharfan & Ariff ni :)

contest result is available HERE!

personal note : 7th winning for Nov --slow sikit bln ni, sbb me slow join blog contest.. and me had hard luck to win all those lucky draw based


tiefazatie said...

wah rezeki raya haji nie sis!tahniah2!best tue!kaya2!hihi..=)

Mama Zharfan said...

thanks ifa :) :) best bila menang cash --sbb tak byk blog contest yg bagi hadiah in cash :)

Bee said...

wahhh tahniah...sonoknyer..

Mama Zharfan said...

thanks Bee :) rezeki anak2 me :)

mama tisya said... sia2 like..tkpe tk dpt yg 1st,dpt yg 2nd pn ok...kita 1st time join contest yg like kt fb..tktau ler..bkn senang nk mintak tlg kwn2 tlg like kn...apa2pn rezeki ank2 kn

Raji and Yeen said...

sikit je lgi nk dpt 1st place owh

zahidah dihaz said...

rezeki tu....tahniah kak..

Wan Amira said...

yeay, im one of your 386 likes~~ congrats

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

wah.bestnye mama :P
tahniah2.. :))

Sayang pakai bra size apa? | Oh Lelaki II

nad said...

tahniah!ni kene kongsi sama2 ni, sbb dh tolong like, hehe.. =p

cik hani said...

tahniah kak!

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

tahniah akak...

Ibu Aqmar said...

tahniah3...rezeki berganda2.Insya Allah.Amin

BUNGA said...

tahniah!! best dapat cash kan :)

Suziey Ahmad said...

tahniah..rezeki di aidiladha :)

Najwa said...

tahniah sis~ x sia2 weols ngundi, hehehe ;)

muchas luvas, wawa~*

Anonymous said...

wow!!!!! tahniah..xsia2 kita like hehehe

Suarapeople Dot Com said...

wah tahniah akak! rezeki,alhamdullilah

MamaYatie said...

wow!! tahniah mama zharfan..mmg kita semua vote for u..but u'r the one who work hard for it!

AzianKhalil said...

rezeki anak2..

mama_umar_maryam said...


ardinihumaira said...

tahniah kak.. kas kat dni sket... hehe larikss

kemma said...

syokya dapat cash..tahniah sis

nur said...

congrats.. bestnya


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