me selalu gak beli time kat Msia...
and kat sini, me beli sbb nak bwk balik msia+ nak bagi hadiah my giveaway (2nd GA yg dh lps) and now fishing for votes yg tgh berlangsung till 27 nov, pun me nak bagi hadiah choc ni..
anyway, semlm, one blogger fren, Oyis, ada left comment kat my entry
ni komennya:
Oyis kata, sbb tak halal sbb whey tak tak pun apa itu WHEY POWDER
so sbb me dh terkejut beruk tu, me terus buat research lah, kalau tak halal, tak ke nanti membazir me beli FR tu, ada 2 bekas dh me beli so far--time sale harga tak mahal sgt :)
jom baca research yg me buat online..
1st, me cari apa maksud Whey tu...
whey ni rupanya, ada liquid, ada powder, berasal dari haiwan, utk buat cheese.."Whey is a by-product of cheese making. It is formed when the curds separate from the milk or cream. After the cheese curds are formed, the remaining liquid is called whey. This liquid is watery and thin. Sometimes whey has a tinge of bluish color, but this depends on the quality and type of milk used. Whey can be made from any type of milk. Cow's milk is the most popular in the United States. Goat's milk is commonly used in the Middle East and in some desert areas camel's milk is used in the cheese making process.
source :"
and satu lagi definisi whey:
What is whey and whey powder?
Whey is the fluid that remains of the milk of any animal after cheesemaking. Cheese is made by clotting milk. After clotting the fluid is separated from the curd. This fluid is called whey. It contains approximately 50% of the lactose of the milk, as well as proteins, vitamins and minerals. The proteins are often purified and marketed as whey protein. Dried whey is called whey powder.Whey obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of hard, semi-hard or soft cheese and rennet casein is known as sweet whey and has a pH of 5.9 – 6.6. Manufacture of mineral-acid-precipitated casein yields acid whey with a pH of 4.3 – 4.6.
Although whey contains valuable nutrients, it is only in recent years that new commercial processes are being developed for the manufacture of high quality whey products such as proteins and vitamins.
so halal ke tak whey ni???
source :
"Thank you for your enquiry regarding the suitability of our products for a vegetarian diet.
The following products are suitable for a vegetarian and alcohol free diet:
Ferrero Rocher (whey powder is microbiological, (vegetarian) unless sold in Prestige/Collection assortment packs)
Kinder Surprise (vegetarian)
Kinder Bueno, hazelnut and white (vegetarian)
Kinder Chocolate (vegetarian)
Kinder Maxi (vegetarian)
Tic Tac Mint (vegetarian)
Tic Tac Spearmint (vegetarian)
Tic Tac Cool Cherry (vegetarian)
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the whey powder of the Ferrero Rocher contained in the Prestige/Collection Pack, Rondnoir, Garden, Raffaello, Nutella, and Kinder Happy Hippo is not of animal origin, namely calf rennet. Also the orange flavour Tic Tac would not be suitable due to the colouring.
I hope the above will be of assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Georgina Colling
Consumer Relations Department
Ferrero UK Ltd, Building 7, Hatters Lane, Croxley Green Business Park, Watford, Herts, WD18 8PA
Tel: +44 (0) 1923 690300
Fax: +44 (0) 1923 690400 "
apa kata halal committee kat UK plak?
Last Updated: 26/10/2010
Calf Rennet Clarification:Rennet per se, is not impermissible.
It is permissible to eat cheese which has rennet from calf rennet though
praiseworthy to refrain from due to a slight difference of opinion viz:
It is permissible to eat cheese which has rennet from calf rennet though
praiseworthy to refrain from due to a slight difference of opinion viz:
Is Whey Rennet Haraam? (no!)
Alcoholic Flavourings Clarification:
Alcohols used as a carrier for food colourings and flavourings are permissible as long as they are not sourced from dates or grapes.
Read the full article here:
Alcoholic Flavourings Clarification:
Alcohols used as a carrier for food colourings and flavourings are permissible as long as they are not sourced from dates or grapes.
Read the full article here:
FERRERO ROCHER (alcohol flavourings)
Ferrero Collection box - including Ferrero Rocher (alcohol flavourings)
FERRERO RONDNOIR (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER SURPRISE (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER CHOCOLATE 12.5g (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER CHOCOLATE SNACK 21g (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER BUENO calf rennet (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER BUENO WHITE (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER HAPPY HIPPO (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER SCHOKO-BONS calf rennet (alcohol flavourings)
Ferrero Collection box - including Ferrero Rocher (alcohol flavourings)
FERRERO RONDNOIR (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER SURPRISE (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER CHOCOLATE 12.5g (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER CHOCOLATE SNACK 21g (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER BUENO calf rennet (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER BUENO WHITE (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER HAPPY HIPPO (alcohol flavourings)
KINDER SCHOKO-BONS calf rennet (alcohol flavourings)
Haraam - Carmine inclusion
so in short, Halal or not?
Halal (because of): | |
a) GMWA Ruling on Alocoholic Flavorings | |
b) Calf Rennet permissible in Hanafi Fiqh |
source :
so my conclusion??
HALAL, kan pengikut mazhab shafie...Halal calf rennet (sumber whey tu) tu pendapat ulama mcm mana yer...
me nak tanya Ustaz Love--mcm biasalah, pakar rujuk me di alam blog ni :)
kita tunggu komen Ustaz Love yer...
note : FR kat msia pun imported from Europe kan, so sama lah jugak persoalannya...

wah!! baguslah mama zharfan.. sgt clear. hehee
wow..good info ni..tapi ayu tak minat lah FR...hehe
good info..suka ferrero roche..nk2 kalo p langkawi sure borong byk ..sana murah
nutella sgt sedap.
tp kena tgu pengesahan yg lebih arif...
saya tak berani nk komen tapi setau saya kalau 'badan yg bertanggungjawab' kata halal especially dr tempat2 mcm k.suzie duduk ni rasanya insya ALLAH... :) semoga kita ada keyakinan pada barang2 yg kita makan :)) kalau was2 itu dah jadi syubhah...huhuhu
saya tak berani nk komen tapi setau saya kalau 'badan yg bertanggungjawab' kata halal especially dr tempat2 mcm k.suzie duduk ni rasanya insya ALLAH... :) semoga kita ada keyakinan pada barang2 yg kita makan :)) kalau was2 itu dah jadi syubhah...huhuhu
siap dgn evinde sekali.. ni la dikatakan phd student kan.. thanks a lot for sharing
waa lengkap mamazharfan cari.. Suka sgt FR <3
suzie..even kita pengikut mazhab shafie..kita still bole amik n ikut dari mazhab hanafi, hambali or maliki..yg penting asasnya adlh msti berpandukan alQuran dan sunnah..beza mazhab2 ni sume adlh sbb mereka sume dr golongan masyarakat yg berbeza..Islam itu mudah..berpandukan alQuran, sesuatu asas tu bole dinilaikan mengikut keadaan sekeliling..i remember my muamalat lecture masa study master dulu inform me.."dlm IC kita bkn tulis kita mazhab syafie and so on." hehe..its a joke but clearly defined that not a problem utk follow which mazhab as long as x lari dr alQuran dan sunnah :) eh mcm lari topik plak komen ni..haha..jsut sharing info :)
Suzie, that's a good research u have there. I ada dengar tentang whey powder dalam FR tu, org2 dlm ofis i semua tak berani nak makan FR sejak tu (adui,..dah la fav i). Mazhab Shafi'e memang yg paling strict berbanding mazhab lain, dan betul mcm kata Suzie imam2 tersebut buat penilaian berdasarkan persekitaran ketika itu. i pun tak de la pandai sgt ilmu agama, tapi, i pernah ditanya begini bila i argue tentang FR ni.." kalau ko tak makan FR ni, ko takde benda lain nak dimakan dah ke? ini aje ke makanan yg ade?"adui,..berdentum2 kena hentaman masa tu..huhu..takpe, kita tunggu Ustaz Love tu reply pada u ya.
bagus mama zharfan buat n3 ni..dah lama tertanya2 pasal status bila dah dengar mcm2 nak makan rasa was-was
entahla kak.. tu pasal dni tak cite sangat bab coklat. ramai pula duk kata tak halal. malas dah dni..
wah..sgt clean n clear...erm...nak komen lebih2 pun bukan pandai sgt...tgu je komen ustaz love ek..hihi..
neway bab kata sis suziey..islam xpernah nak menyusahkan bila pk balik..kalu semua benda nak dipertikaikan..i think kan sis..we should make our own foods by our own hands la camtue kan2...kalu pk logik la..hihihi
bila kita dah syubhah, lebih baik elak kan... :) tp tny la org yg pakar dulu... :)
Salam mama..
terima kasih kerana menjemput Ustaz Love memberikan komen.. terlebih dulu Ustaz Love ingin nyatakan, bahawa Ustaz Love bukanlah org yg paling layak untuk memberikan hukum dan hukuman ni... sbb ilmu tak banyak... jadi, Ustaz Love harapkan agar mana2 kenyataan Ustaz Love berkaitan isu hukum hakam, maka sila dapatkan 2nd opinion daripada Ustaz2 lain... sbb Ustaz Love ni manusia biasa yg tak terlepas daripada noda dan dosa (sekali panjang plak intro.. hehe )
berkenaan dengan ferrero rocher ni, Ustaz Love tak berapa mahir sangat nak bagi kenyataan. sbb ianya tidak dikeluarkan di dalam Malaysia.. jadi JAKIM tidak terlibat dalam soal penentuan halal.. cukuplah sekiranya ianya disahkan halal oleh pihak berautoriti tempatan negara pengeluarnya...
berkenaan whey powder tu, Ustaz Love tak berapa mahir sangat apa kebendanya... begitu juga pewarna alkohol...
cuma asasnya di sini yg Ustaz Love nak tekankan... sekiranya terdapat perbezaan mazhab dari sudut halal dan haram, maka adalah lebih baik kita meninggalkannya... kerana 'keluar daripada khilaf itu adalah lebih baik'...
secara umumnya, kita taqlid saja dengan fatwa majlis agama tempatan.. sbb mereka2 itu adalah ahlu an-nadzor (yang berkemampuan untuk menyelidik)
Kalau ditanya pendapat Ustaz Love sendiri, Ustaz Love memang mengelakkan memakan coklat jenama luar negara yang tiada logo halal... kerana Ustaz Love berpegang pada kenyataan sahabat Ustaz Love yang merupakan seorang lecturer masakan dan chef... dan belajar di US.. yg mengatakan bahawa hampir kesemua coklat dan kek yg dibuat di luar negara (hatta di hotel2 tempatan) menggunakan arak dalam resepi pembuatannya...
Just nak mencelah, info tambahan. Any food made in Oz (Australia) yg ada whey powder adalah HALAL. Ini berdasarkan makluman drp kakak2 senior sebab mrk dah selidik dgn pengeluar2 mknan kat sana (in case saper2 yg plan nk g Oz or beli food made in Oz).
mamazharfan & ustaz love:
ya Tuhan.. malu plak komen saya hari tu dah jd satu entry khas. plak saya sibuk smlm mmg x sempat check jd nya hari ni lewat ptg baru la tahu. tp bagus jg dah jd entry, siap Ustaz Love bg penerangan lg. saya bukanlah pandai sgt bab2 ni, tp teringat plak kalo x sampaikan or x tarik perhatian kang sama2 dpt sahamnya. thanks kak suzie kerana buat reserach mendalam. masa saya mula2 found out psl FR, terus x mkn sbb takut syubhah. generally, kalo psl whey powder plak, kalo saya nmpk ada whey tp tiada logo vegetarian, saya tinggalkan, sbb logik saya, kalo ianya suitable for vege, sudah pasti company tu akan mewar-war kan kat packaging, kerana itu adalah added-value kpd product tersebut. kalo diam2 x de logo tu, saya jauhkan... tp kalo dah balik msia nnt mcm mana bila xde label vegetarian ni? jheng jeng jeng...
memang xmakan...
good info...thanks..!
dari dulu mmg tak makan pun coklat ni...senang nak ajar anak2....ada logo halal baru boleh dorg hanya akan beli kalau ada logo halal jakim... ;-0
2 halal yang diyakini di dunia ialah halal dari JAKIM dan halal Australia sebab prosedur nak dapat halal itu sgt strict. Nutella ada halal Australia jadi Nutella Mmg i makan. chocolate oversea ni memang agak was was nak makan.Even masa i gi margaret river chocolate company kat Australia pun ada chocolate dicampur dengan wine. masa gi US kat Jelly Belly pun ada chocolate yang dicampur dengan beer dan juga bacon yang disalut dengan chocolate. Mmg i tak beli. tapi di Switzerland ada chocolate yg meant for vegetarian jadi tiada alcohol dan sumber haiwan. i makan chocolate ni (adik i beli kat Switzerland) ada logo vegetarian. Ada je unsur was was better jangan makan.
Thank you for this info.
PAnjang lebar. Akan lebih berhati hati di masa akan datang. And info about other chocolates from Overseas especially Ozi boleh makan kan?
Good sharing.
Mommy Razim
So kinder bueno tu halal la ye? Ada tak sesiapa boleh tolong? Kurang faham. Terima kasih
@nurul aula : thanks sbb sudi singgah kat my blog...i post entry ni dh lama ie time i dok UK few years back...i tak sure what's the latest updates now
@norliyana sudar : kalau ikut my entry yg i copy paste from UK halal comittee, katanya halal those kinder bueno yg dijual di UK...i believe it should be the same ingredients mcm yg msia import and market kat msia ni..
hope that helps. thanks sbb sudi singgah
ok. cikaln 2017 forero rocer jugo kinder bueno dah ada yg bercop halal. tp xsemua ye.
nutela tu mmg dah lame ade.
Jika nak guna protein yg ada Jakim Halal boleh guna brand ni Vital Whey atau Vital Mass dari Pharmanutri.
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