pink is too bright--and me think purple is just nice and KEWL!! (read : cool)
Mr Hubby kata nak bagi hadiah sebijik blacberry sblm me balik msia nanti -- hp kat sini relatively cheaper dari harga kat Msia..depending on the models and capacity/app, the price is around 150 pound...boleh dpt cheaper from ebay pun...
tp, adakah blackberry masih relevant, in the wake of iphone 4?? mcm dh ketinggalan zmn plak those yg pakai blackberry tu kan <<--anyone wanna rebut this statement?

ohhhh tidak!!!!!!!! pepelllllllllllllllllllllllll
i like still tak mampu pkai blackberry kaler purple.. erm...blackberry ke purpleberry? ngeh3..:P
my fav color.. tp hanya mampu tgk jela blackberry tu..
mmg cantik blackberry kaler purple ni..wah bestnye asben nak adiahkan hp blackberry..
w/pun me x pakai info dr kwn2 mmg best blacberry dr i-phone..blackberry ade pulak tu..hehee.
sy pon pakai hp murah jer..lg pon kalu pakai hp canggih2 tp kredit takde buat pe..betul tak?hehe..
I loike popol.....
go and get one for urself kak suzie!! :)
i loike perple jugak :p
mas boleh tengok jer la... mahal... hehehe
wah chantek purple tu :) me rasa ok je lg kalau nk guna BB :)
wah chantek purple tu :) me rasa ok je lg kalau nk guna BB :)
suka kewl gitu..myshoes pun purple..hehehe
aduhai...warna peberet ai jugak..huhu...
tp sy x suka blackberry sbb screen kecek n ada keypad gitu...huhu
ouch, terasa kejap. haha. but kalau ada duit lebih, nak pakai dua2.. i suka BB sbb the qwerty keyboard.. not big fan of touch screen kalau bab2 texting ni, hihi.. iphone4 sgt enjoyful..bnyak apps n games yg sgt best! hehehehe.. bli iphone je la sis.. then bli casing purple.. yepeeee..! hehehe :D
muchas luvas, wawa~*
beli.. jangan tak beli...
apa lagi kalau mr hubby yg nak belikan kan.. itu sangat bagus :)
suzie, me ni jakun teknologi.kasi hp canggih bukannyer reti guna...nanti jadi hiasan..but to u, mesti terer bab gadget so go get them girl..IPhone 4 pun, BB pun ader market ler...
cantik2!tapi kalu hot pink lagi cantik!hihi
cik ngahh...
nak iphone se..hehehehehhee....
memang kewl...
org yg suke pepel..mst x leh dok diam nih.. hehehehhehee
zura tak boley pakai coz adam suker amik tpon zura ketok2... so tak tau la sampai biler tpon sony zura tu boley bertahan...=(
kami masih guna hf cap ayam...
kool.. tapi xpandai nak godek henfon canggih ni
i bought myself an expensive hp before and SUMPAH tak pandai godek. last2 terbiar ja tepon nearly 3k tu. tapi baru nie TERgatai mintak my sist beli BB kat london plak. ha ha..... influenced by ur prev entry yang bgtau tepon kat sana murah (compared to kat sini).teruk kena maki...... =)
skang musin android, amoled, super amoled la mama...the best compete ngan iphone skang is samsung galaxy S or samsung wave.. anyway..I love samsung..hehe...
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