me joining the above contest, due 20 nov
to join, click HERE!
Contest task:
1. pick one entry that you like most from 3f's blog
2. write a blog entry (malay or english) on why do you like that post is my chosen entry from 3f's blog and the reasons why I like it most...
contest info:
the best entry picked by the judgewill get a maysaa's satin wrap band snood worth gbp12 (like the one the organizer wore to cameron and during her family lunch, a small gift from her. :) even yuna wears maysaa headscarf y'all..! :)

source: stylecovered

source: via stylecovered

source: stylecovered

source: via stylecovered
other than that, there are 3 consolation prize
thanks to 3f's blog owner for having the GA with lovely prizes!

Goodluck sis!:)
gewd luck sis!
gdluck MZ~
@dini, ifa & fatin : thanks for the wishes :) good luck to u too-- kalau uolls join --ifa memang join pun :)
Salam, thanks for joining ya :)
gd luck akak...
good luck sis~!!
muchas luvas, wawa~*
salam mama zhafran,
banner reason "entry yg paling me suka @blablabla" tu mama zharfan buat sendiri ke ? kalau mama yang punya, miza ada jumpa satu dekat blog orang lain sebijik macam yang mama punya dekat entry ni.
pembetulan: mama zharfan bukan zhafran.
haah laa mama... sama... ishh isshh...
sama memang serupa sebijik giler...
a' semua org tau ni banner mama zhafran sb sy penah nmpk mama zhafran pakai banner ni masa join contest dulu...
akak dia bolh jawab kebetulan OWG
nadia tau style akak akan sllu guna photoscape buat n3 cam tu nmpak sgt dia copy akak nye tak asa besalah kew dia adoiii hebat dia bolh buat cam tu wat malu diri sndri ja sbb ramai knal dia nih sbb ga dia artu aiyakk akak saba k ape2 pun mang akak berhak bertindak :)
Dear suzz,
3f tu blog my cousin. Nanti i fb dier ye.....iskkk sebijik minah tu tiru....hebat tol minah tu....
Kak suzie,
Apparently what she has done was absolutely a copyright's infringement as it was not fall in any of exception rules..But hopefully this could be settled down soon...
thanks guys for all the comments and concerned. si copy cat tu dh buat public apology kat her blog. so kira kes settlelah...nanti me buat entry khas psl isu ni and how to handle this
so creative!! join gak
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