ni surat dari skool nya..
so my zharfan sibuk le ajak pegi shopping for halloween costume..
so ni pic masa sesi shopping for halloween...
mcm2 costume ada
for gegirl..cute witch costume
zharfan try mask/topeng2 hantu
try witch broom plak
gelas hantu--bentuk tengkorak daaa
muffins/cupcake yg tak nampak spooky pun
'darah' pun ada jual gak
and costume utk hantu2/witch sexy heheh
so last2 me belikan zharfan vampire costume..sbb harga 3 pound ajer..membazir kalau nak beli yg mahal2, sbb pakai just for one event ajer :p
nilah zharfan the cute 'vampire'...he did ask me, vampire tu apa mama, me kata, hantu jahat yg isap darah kat neck, mcm mosquito hehehhe

hehe...soo cute!!
be good vampire zharfan!!^_^.
suzi, if i read it clearly, is it 3pound? kalau yer.. murah nyer!!! u know kalau kat malaysia nak sewa pun dah nak dekat rm100
wah!best2 nak gak!hihi
bestkan,mcm2 event utk kids..vampire nye kiut xtakut ponnnn,hehehe
cute je soklan... vampire tu apa..
seronoknya cam tu..
mst meriah=)
murahnyer rege costume nyer.. bagus lah ada brg yg economy camni ;) hahaha.. sronok nyer zharfan jd vampire :P nnt besar jd vampire hot cam emmett cullen, ekeke...
muchas luvas, wawa~*
nnt mintak cikgu sapu bedak putih tebal2 kat muka n pakai eyeliner tebal sekeliling mata, fuh... mesti lg scary hehehe
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